Chapter 21

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I woke up early on Monday morning because I was due to meet Lizzie for a workout before meeting Susie at a local coffee shop near the Mercedes-AMG headquarters in Brackley. She was doing some errands for Toto in the area so it was a convenient place to meet. Over the weekend, I had been staying at Max's house rather than Marcus's because it was closer to my work. I had asked to meet Susie in the morning rather than the afternoon because I promised Lando that I would visit him for a gaming session even though he lives in Surrey. I had intentions to spend the night, although he wouldn't know that until I arrived with my backpack full of my belongings.

Usually I would hate being so busy, but right now I'd take anything over actually thinking about the weekend ahead. It was stupid that I, a racing driver, was having any sort of fear about going on the racetrack. It was a peculiar emotion. I knew there was nothing to be afraid of and that the possibility of crashing like I did again was very slim; it was the little voice in the back of my head chanting 'what if...?' that plagued me. I'm a good driver and shouldn't be experiencing this fear.

I hated to admit that one of the other reasons I was so reluctant to disclose my fears was other people's responses. It wouldn't be the first time that I'll be called dramatic because of my gender, or that my fear should kick me out of the sport because I'm not ready. Those close to me probably won't react that way, but it's only so long until it's out in the media and I'm being hounded by the messages. Anyone who's been a victim of online trolls knows how difficult it is to ignore them all.

For the catch up with Susie, I had changed out of my workout gear and into something casual (after a shower, of course). The weather was unpleasant, however the air felt warm despite the rain. I decided to wear something simple: a long sleeved, black, high neck top tucked into an a-line denim skirt that came to my mid-thigh. I wore nude tights underneath to block out some of the windchill, as well a pair of heeled boots. My bag sat in the passenger seat of my car for the entirety of the journey. It contained a foldable umbrella, which I will certainly need in this weather.

I played my music softly for the entirety of the journey, not having the energy to sing along as my neck was aching. It just so happened to be Lizzie's main focus during the morning workout, in addition to my core. Occasionally, I hummed and tapped my fingers on the side of the steering wheel when a good song came on.

There was parking around the back of the coffee shop so I took advantage of it. My brand new electric Mercedes stood out amongst the other cars and I made an effort to park it at a distance from those other cars to avoid anyone accidentally hitting my car with their door. It's happened many times before and I'm sick of it.

I knew Susie was going to be walking to the coffee shop since it was only around the corner from her work. The fact that I had arrived ten minutes early meant that I was going to have to wait a little, but I didn't mind. I knew Susie's order off by heart now so I could buy it for her as a 'thank you' for the emotional support she was definitely going to be giving me. Having something as simple as coffee together has really helped me in the past. Susie is a great mentor and a friend.

I gently pushed open the door of the café, hearing the familiar jingle of a bell as I stepped in. I was immediately hit with the warming smell of coffee and cakes. The workers behind the counter offered me a warm smile. Before heading over to them, I spotted a familiar face standing at the sugar counter. I watched as he tipped three sachets of the stuff into his drink. With a sly smile, I crept up to his side.

"Does your trainer know you put that much sugar in your coffee?" I asked, leaning on the counter. Stoffel jumped at the sound of my voice and clutched a hand to his chest. The exposed coffee in his cup sloshed around with the movement, almost spilling out. I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips. It was weird to see him here when he's usually working in Brixworth at the Mercedes-Benz EQ headquarters.

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