Chapter 90

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there's a bit of a time jump with this chapter just in case you got confused at any point

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there's a bit of a time jump with this chapter just in case you got confused at any point. it should be clearly indicated with the writing, and i do my best to fill in the gaps.

fifteen chapters to go! want this done by the end of the year so i can move on to the final book, but this is me. at this rate it'll be done in fifteen months lmao.

happy reading <3


One Month Later (20/10/21)

My hand gently rubbed the soft cotton fabric of the baby grow that covered my daughter's back. The gentle hum of a song I couldn't remember the name to filled the room, Max and I syncing up the tune in the perfect little routine we were finally starting to settle into. This was our final day together before we had to leave for America, the race feeling like a chore because it dragged us far away from our girls.

A small burp came from the small girl laid over Max's knee, which was quickly contested by an even louder one from one I had just finished feeding. I couldn't help the giggle that slipped through my lips - call me immature. "These girls get their belches from you, babe, that's for sure."

"It's a sign of appreciation of a good meal," he argued with a smile. "They're certainly getting better at it, though. If they can make such loud noises at a month old, imagine how they'll be when they're older."

"Please don't talk about them getting older," I said as I gently smoothed the top of my daughter's head, "they're already growing so much and my heart can't grow that quickly."

For three weeks following their birth Celona Sofia Archer-Verstappen and Elodie Ophelia Archer-Verstappen stayed in the NICU so that they could grow strong enough for me and Max to take them home with us. Those three weeks were incredibly difficult. We would've loved to have stayed with them the entire time but our jobs unfortunately got in the way. My memory of the Japanese and Russian Grand Prix were hazy because all I could think about was the fact that our girls would be released upon us returning to the UK. All I wanted to do was gush about my girls with anyone who would listen, but both Max and I had agreed that, for now, we keep the news of Celona and Elodie's birth private from those who didn't need to know. Family, team principals, and our closest friends, including some drivers on the grid who promised not to utter a word, not even to their partners.

I wasn't expecting the goodbye to Zara to be so difficult, either. In my eyes, she was family. She brought my two favourite people into the world, how could I not cherish her? As soon as she had healed and signed the necessary documents, she was booked on the first flight back to the Netherlands to begin her re-acceptance with her church. Although it was hard, I respected her decision on the premise that she would keep in contact.

"When's your mum arriving?" I asked. Celona was wriggling in my arms, her blue eyes wide as they scanned around and small grunts escaped her open gummy mouth, so I gently placed her down in her elephant bouncer. Her sister in Max's arms was definitely on the sleepy side. Elodie was usually tired after a feeding, whereas it seemed to give her identical counterpart a burst of energy. I carefully took her from Max's arms and placed her down in the identical bouncer beside her sister in the middle of the spacious, peach nursery. Murray, who had been patiently waiting by the door, took advantage of the girls being at his height and sat down in-between their bouncers protectively. With our arms child-free, I took a seat next to Max on the small sofa we had moved in to the room shortly after bringing the girls home.

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