Chapter 84

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lovely little cliffhanger at the end of the last chapter

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lovely little cliffhanger at the end of the last chapter

here's the aftermath (don't kill me)

*tw - mentions of depression and suicide. please don't read if you don't feel comfortable! either leave a comment or send me a dm if you would prefer a summary that censors the sensitive content*


Alyssa Archer is a Danger to Herself and Everyone Around Her

Article by Anonymous, Published in Association with MotionNews

The title of this article says it all. Alyssa Archer is a danger and shouldn't be racing in Formula One. The only suit she should be wearing is a straight jacket in a psych ward.

Now, I'm not going to make these false allegations. I have trusted and reputable sources to back up every single one of my claims. So you can either believe me, or continue living in denial that your 'perfect' F1 princess is as perfect as she portrays.

It isn't a well known fact that Archer has been in therapy for a while now for a range of mental health issues brought on from her own stupid and reckless choices. Supposedly she has PTSD, depression, anxiety, an eating disorder, and who knows what else. Are these really qualities that make an F1 driver? I certainly don't think so.

If that list wasn't enough to convince you that she should take a step away from one of the most dangerous sports in the world, maybe this little fact will. Alyssa wanted an easy way out from her problems and once again didn't take a moment to consider the consequences that a suicide attempt could have on the poor people who loved her at the time. What lead her to do such a thing is up for speculation, however it wouldn't surprise this author if the guilt from her wrongdoings were starting to eat away at her, leeching on to the buffet of bad things she has done. It was selfish, and reports suggest that she isn't any better now than she was then.

What if her suicidal tendencies arise when she is out on track? Who's to say she won't just drive straight into a wall? There are nineteen other drivers sharing the tarmac with her and there's every possibility that she could take one of them down with her. Hasn't the sport lost enough drivers already?

Find below the link to a petition to remove Alyssa Archer from Formula One. Sign it and save lives. She is a danger to herself, and it shouldn't be left to a fatality to see her gone.


"This is fucking bullshit!" I exclaimed for what felt like the millionth time as I re-read the article. My seething resentment for this anonymous coward was at an all time high. Max had tried to keep it away from me for as long as he could, which I appreciate, but this was serious. Calling for me to be removed from the sport because of something that happened months ago? Bullshit. This person was trying to erase the mountains I had overcome since that low point in my life, and they couldn't care less about the personal progress I had made that I was exceptionally proud of.

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