Chapter 15

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I've come to learn that you have the ability to choose your family, which is why I'm so thankful for the bonds I've made as I travel the world. The people who stick by my side through it all are the most important to me and it feels like I'll forever be in debt to them for everything they've done for me, whether they know it or not. My birthday dinner with my family away from home made me feel so much better as we headed into the race weekend. Seb and Lewis had given me so much advice and guidance whenever I got stuck, Daniel and Mick were the older brothers I never had and always knew how to cheer me up and make me laugh, and Marcus and Damien had been there for me through it all as my best friends. I would be lost without any of them.

After the dinner, Lewis wanted to stay the night so that we could talk about the race weekend. I had been trying not to think about the fact that tomorrow will reveal whether my issues were resolved or if I'm going to have another disappointing weekend. Hopelessness wasn't an enviable feeling and made me feel heavier than normal. All my attempts to improve feel like they've been in vain and it's left me lost.

"It's almost impossible for you to do worse than last year," Lewis said, trying to make me feel better about the weekend ahead. China isn't a particularly strong circuit for me, as my P9 qualifying and P8 result last year showed.

I scoffed and nestled closer into his chest, his arm squeezing my shoulder. "Don't tempt fate. I'm probably going to DNF or something now, thanks."

Lewis's chest vibrated with laughter. "You're slowly becoming my most dramatic teammate, and I've had Fernando and Nico Rosberg." I sat upright so that I could grab a pillow and smacked him over the head with it.

"I am not!" I protested.

"You're not helping your case."

"And you're just as dramatic as I am so you have no leverage," I pointed out, eyebrows raised in accusation. It's very true - over the team radio, Lewis is especially dramatic. Anyone with ears would know that. He opened his mouth to protest but was quick to close it again when he realised he had no argument. The corners of his mouth then turned upwards as he smiled and let out a chuckle.

"You're something else, Lys."

"Yeah - the best teammate ever." I poked his chest with my finger and smiled up at him.

"Beat me this weekend to prove it. I'll even put a wager for motivation."

I pulled my lips to the side in thought. "How much?"

"A grand," Lewis pumped his eyebrows twice. "Take it or leave it."

"And I don't even have to kiss your cheek for the money?"

"Nope. Think of it solely as motivation to get you out of your slump."

"Who says I'm in a slump?"

Lewis smiled sympathetically and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Babe, the only things motivating you right now are Toto's speeches and, believe me, you'll be sick of them by the time next season comes. Every athlete goes through it, you just gotta trust that you'll get out of it. I can only do so much motivating so you're going to have to find strength within."

"Using my strength within, can I ask you to give me a lift to the paddock in the morning?" I asked, hopeful. 

Lewis pressed a kiss to the top of my head. "Fine, but only because I still don't understand how you got a licence."


T> 'Okay, Alyssa. We're going to send you out in a minute. To recap, you're on the soft tyre and you've got a slightly different setup to Lewis. Don't worry if you're down on his times, or vice versa.'

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