Chapter 26

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Two clean sessions on Friday really helped my nerves heading into Saturday. Whilst my times weren't reflective of my potential, I was keeping up with the rest of the top drivers. Thanks to purple in both of the first two sectors (both at least half a tenth clear of the closest car), the time I lost in the final sector wasn't as damaging. I was a few tenths down there because I subconsciously took a wider line that kept me at a distance from the wall. With every lap, I found myself naturally getting closer but it was still an area of improvement for me. It's what the practice sessions are for - to iron out any problems. They are also useful in determining the setup of the car. Because Baku is quite a high-speed circuit, less downforce is required. We have experimented in the simulator which setups would work best, only needing little tweaks, which come from testing on the track.

I wouldn't say that I was completely comfortable on track, however I was feeling a lot better about driving. My heart still skipped uneasily whenever I entered the final sector, and my muscles clenched slightly with the anticipation of crashing again. I wasn't a danger on the track so the team wasn't concerned. The pace I had been showing up until now suggested that I was going to get a generous amount of points. It was surprising to me considering my lack of pace at the first races of the season. Esteban G was also there, or thereabouts, so if we both finish the race tomorrow, it'll most likely be with a large points haul.

My phone buzzed midway through a reflex exercise with Lizzie. Since I was up in my driver room to keep out of the way of the chaotic garage, I set a reminder on my phone to let me know when I needed to head back down for qualifying. I stood up a little straighter and exhaled. Lizzie took the tennis balls from my hand and put them back into her rucksack.

"You go down," Lizzie told me as I waited expectantly by the door, "I'll tidy up all my equipment. You just focus on getting yourself ready for qualifying."

I smiled appreciatively. "Thanks, Lizzie."

"Go and get another pole position for us, okay?"

"I'll definitely try," I said with a chuckle. I opened the door, the chatter of the crowded HQ echoing down the hall. Before leaving, I poked my head around the wooden frame and grinned. "Just gotta keep it out of the wall this time around."

Lizzie rolled her eyes. "You're going to make me go grey with worry. Stay safe."

"I will," I reassured, nodding my head. "See you later!"

"Bye!" I heard Lizzie call before I closed the door behind me. I didn't have anything with me other than my phone because I was already in my driver suit and my helmet was in the garage. It was tied loosely at my waist because it was rather warm in the city of Baku today.

On my way out into the paddock, I received wishes of luck from various members of the team. I put on a wide smile of encouragement so that they knew I was going to try my hardest to get that pole position. They all work so hard during the week so I'd hate to be the reason for disappointment. This is the first full weekend without Lewis so it's unsurprisingly hard on the team. A great position for tomorrow's race will certainly ease any worries.

"Hey, Lys!"

I stopped in my tracks and spun to locate the source of my name. It was quite crowded with the hustle of pre-qualifying so I couldn't hear who it was. My Mercedes cap was shielding the bright sun from my eyes, but I still used my hand underneath the brim. The big giveaway was Emanuel waving his hand like a madman as he jogged towards me. A grin lit up my face when I saw him and I opened my arms wide, anticipating a hug.

"Oh my gosh, hi!" I cheerily greeted him when he got within a few feet. My arms wrapped around his shoulders in a hug. I was bouncing on my feet with adrenaline, as well as the excitement of seeing my former race engineer. I don't often see Emanuel anymore because we are both so busy and I tend to avoid the Force India garage at every opportunity. "How've you been?"

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