Chapter 5

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*trigger warning later on - warnings given*

There was a sudden change of forecast, which took all the teams by surprise, as the first race weekend commenced. On Saturday, where it had originally been predicted for sunny, clear conditions, rain was due to fall for the majority of the day. It was anybody's guess as to how much it was going to rain, however the dark clouds that rolled over to block out the first light of Saturday suggested it was going to be heavy. I'm usually pretty decent in the rain (if you discount Baku) but it's a little nerve-racking to know that I'm going to have a lot of spotlights on me to perform well. Battling against a wet track is never an easy feat.

The change in forecast mirrored a change in Kudzai's condition. Although she wasn't in labour yet, Esteban made the decision to sit out the final practice and qualifying so that he could get on the first flight home to his Fiancée. No-one blamed him, especially since this was his first child and the race would be taking part on the other side of the world. Luckily for Racing Point, the Ferrari Driver Academy were lenient and allowed for their driver and my former F2 teammate, Robert Schwartzman, to fill his boots.

My arms were folded tightly across my chest as I stood just inside the shelter of the garage. The top of my race suit was tied around my waist so that I could easily slip back into it when needed. I watched the rain splash against the tarmac of the pitlane, the sound being blocked out by the music blasting through my headphones. I was getting myself in a more focused state for qualifying which was due to start in less than half an hour.

My final practice session was rather short just because of how much water was on the track. A crash at that point would've been disastrous and almost impossible for the team to give me a car to qualify with. My times weren't bad considering the conditions, and I placed second behind my teammate. Neither of the Ferrari's ran more than two laps, and even then their times weren't representative of their true performance capabilities. The Red Bulls, McLarens, and Renaults also took a more reserved approach, whilst the rest stayed out for the full session.

There was a gentle tap on my shoulder. I spun around and removed the headphones from one of my ears. Lewis stood there with a small smile on his lips and two steaming cups in his hands. "I figured you'd want a cup of tea while you still can." He handed me one of the cups, which I gratefully accepted and held tightly in both hands for warmth. My skin tingled at the heat but it wasn't painful. "It's gotten colder since this morning," Lewis commented.

I hummed in agreement, blowing lightly on the beige liquid before taking a sip. The drink was too hot to drink normally, but a reasonable temperature to take small sips every now and again. Luckily Lewis knew my order by now so it tasted perfect.

"I don't know how I'm going to warm up my tyres if it stays raining," I said with a disapproving glare to the dark clouds above. "It's like a cruel joke that this is supposed to be the only rainy day for two weeks, and it wasn't even supposed to rain! I'm also convinced that my car hates me and changes its balance every time I get into it."

Lewis chuckled lightly and leaned against the wall which had my face, name, and racing number plastered on it. "It's not a great weekend so far, then?"

I groaned and shook my head. "I don't know how you guys deal with press interviews. Now there's the extra added pressure from the fact that it's raining, and, urgh," I exclaimed in disgust.

"The questions can really get under your skin sometimes, I know. Just try and keep a level head and smile."

"That's easier said than done," I said after scoffing. "Esteban's missing the race because Kudzai was showing signs of labour this morning, so flew out, so I've got that to think about on top of everything."

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