Chapter 45

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The final practice session commenced at exactly midday on Saturday. Clouds, thick and dark, covered the skies, threatening to open up and allow the heavens to rain upon us. The air hadn't felt as uncomfortable as it had done today, and I knew that it was only a matter of time before the lightning starts to strike. I didn't have the highest expectations for myself ahead of qualifying. If it were to start raining before then, my expectations would drop even lower and I'm sure even Stroll could out-qualify me. Sure, I do well in the rain, but now that I wasn't looking forward to driving, how can I possibly still do well? My performances were achieved because of a drive to do well and now... I just wish I could go back to that better time.

For FP3, all drivers would get their final qualifying preparation in and run laps with an identical or, at the very least, similar setup. This is the best indicator to who's going to be a challenge. On the contrary to Thursday, I decided to leave it until the end of the session before putting down a competitive time. I had completed a few out-laps just to dive straight back into the pits when I felt the track wasn't ready. The lack of sun meant that it was significantly cooler than Thursday and we were all having to adapt to this.

T> 'Okay, this will be your final push lap before the checkered flag. It's just you, Verstappen, and Grosjean on track, however Grosjean is on an in-lap.'

A> 'Will I catch him?'

T> 'Probably not. Verstappen will more than likely be trying to catch a tow from you so just be aware.'

I confirmed the message on my steering wheel, eyes flicking to the Red Bull in my mirrors. He, like me, was weaving to try and get some heat into the tyres as the start/finish straight drew nearer. I didn't want to back up too much or else I knew I'd be dealing with a grumpy Max after the session, so I went as soon as possible.

My foot was flat against the throttle as I shifted up the gears, the engine screaming as I pushed it to the limit. My eyes were locked onto the apex of Sainte Devote as soon as it came into sight. My car was low on fuel at this end-stage of the practice session so I could be a little braver due to the lighter load. The first corner required relatively heavy braking, nonetheless, and I felt every single bit of the g-force in my neck. Because of the long hours of neck training I had done, the force didn't cause me any discomfort. I was used to it all by now.

As I climbed the hill, I was surprised to see rain drops slipping down my visor. The track still appeared dry so I tried to not lift any more than I needed to. I trusted that my tyres had enough grip in them to keep to stuck to the track around the quick corners. Everything happened so quickly at Monaco that if I were to be caught out by a slippy track, it wouldn't matter what speed I was going; I'd always end up in the wall.

A> 'Just a heads up that it's raining in this section of the track.'

T> 'Are you still okay to push for the full lap?'

I had to wait before responding as I tackled the tricky hairpin. My steering wheel was locked to the left to ensure I made the corner. It was hard to multitask at this track because of the reduced room for error. The tunnel was coming up to give me some time to respond safely.

A> 'I'll keep pushing and get this lap down.'

T> 'Copy. You're currently purple in sector one, on track for a PB in the second.'

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