Disclaimers and Trigger Warnings

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enforced on 13/12/2020. slowly being edited into this book.

this system will include warnings at the beginning of the chapter in addition to just before the incident/topic with the number of paragraphs that the description spans. it is in place in order to properly prepare you readers and to make you feel comfortable when reading my book. you do not have to read what you are not comfortable with

for the race trigger warnings, a level will be assigned in order to pre-warn you about the severity and potential details included. i'm going to keep reiterating to only read what you are comfortable with and do not take the severe warnings lightly.



The portrayal of real life people in this book is not an accurate representation. The fictional scenarios are just that - fiction - and do not reflect the real person's morals, views, and attitudes.

The events of this story are all fictional and are not intended to follow real life events. Some inspiration may be drawn from real life races, however the race calendars and lineups will not sync up in order to cater to the story line.

Trigger Warnings



A spin, with no or light impact with a barrier at low speed, resulting in minor damage to the car.

Contact between drivers resulting in minor damage to one or more cars. All parties involved are able to continue or retire safely without significant barrier contact (e.g pull off to the side of the track, gentle tap with the barriers, stuck in the gravel).

No damage to the halo or other key safety features.

If involving the MC, description will be brief and will not span more than one paragraph, however might be mentioned in passing without detail again. If involving other drivers and not the MC, description will also not be in any significant detail.

No injuries sustained by the drivers involved.

Minor damage - damage to or losing a front wing, puncture, minimal damage to the car's body work.


A spin/impact into a barrier at low to medium speed, resulting in significant damage to the car.

Contact between drivers resulting in significant damage to one or more cars. Some, if not all, of the parties involved will be forced to retire from the race because of either damage to the car or being stuck in the gravel.

Any contact with the barrier will NOT be high speed.

Minor damage to the halo, scrapes at most.

During impact, the car rolls over at low speed however the driver is able to climb out with no or minimal aid.

If involving the MC, description will be in more detail, and has the potential to span across multiple paragraphs with mentions throughout the entirety of the race should the MC be able to continue. If involving other drivers and not the MC, description will be focused more on the details of the crash if it is viewed by the MC.

At most, minor injuries sustained by the drivers involved, such as bruising.

Significant damage - multiple punctures, damage to the car's body work and main frame (e.g. suspension). Still recognisable as a formula one car at the end of it.


A spin/impact into a barrier at medium to high speed, resulting in major damage to the car.

Contact between drivers resulting in major damage to one or more cars. Some, if not all, parties involved will be forced to retire from the race because of damage to the car or being stuck in the gravel.

High speed contact with the barrier.

Significant damage to the halo.

During impact, the car rolls over at medium to high speeds, with the potential for multiple rolls. Driver requires aid in order to get out of the car.

Driver could sustain significant injuries, such as broken bones, head injury/ unconsciousness, burns, blood, or fatality.

Major damage - fire, wheels falling off, crushed main frame of the car. Not recognisable as a formula one car at first glance.


This story deal with mature themes, such as strong language, sex, mental health issues, and graphic descriptions. Viewer discretion is advised.


please let me know what you think of this system and any ways that it can be improved. also, if there's anything you feel that needs to be added to this page, leave it in a comment or a dm. i am sharing this with FOREVERLANDO.

if you're writing a book where races are described in detail and want to use this system, send me a dm and i can give you the list. it is important that people are appropriately prepared in order for them to feel comfortable in the books content. no-one should read something that they aren't comfortable with.

as stated at the beginning, this system is slowly coming into place. if you are a new reader, this is being published just as the fiftieth chapter is, too. i will try and edit the earlier races in order to follow this trigger warning system as quickly as i can, and this will be deleted when it has all been done. please be cautious. if you are not comfortable with the trigger warnings in place, for race descriptions are not in the same detail as this system so read at your own risk.

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