Chapter 1

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I didn't want the apprehensive feeling to arise as Barcelona testing approached, however I couldn't help it. This was our first real opportunity to see how the new $176 million budget Mercedes car compared against the other teams. There was every chance that the other teams had interpreted the budget in a way that was more efficient in racing. The Mercedes team have been working on the design since the new regulations were set so I shouldn't be having these doubts. These people are some of the best in the world at what they do and I can never let them know that there was even an ounce of uncertainty on my behalf.

My break wasn't much of a break. When I wasn't at the garage or headquarters, I was busy working with my new partners on promotional campaigns and establishing our plans for the season ahead. My advert for Spotify was fun and I would be making a playlist for every race weekend to encourage any supporters to use the music app. Some of my other partnerships include Bose, THIS GIRL CAN, Under Armour, Breast Cancer Care, PHB Ethical Beauty, Cancer Research UK, and Michael Kors. Netflix were also keen to get some interviews in before the start of the season. I had to talk about my ambitions, how I got to where I am today, and what I'm looking forward to most. My answers were pretty standard as I had been asked the same questions on repeat since revealing my identity almost three months ago.

I've also had the opportunity of getting to know those who I'll be working closely with. My new race engineer, Riccardo 'Riki' Musconi, was formerly Lewis's performance engineer and also worked with Valtteri since the 2019 season. He has experience and it seems like we'll get along well, however a part of me is a little sad to no longer have Emanuel. My performance engineer is Kieron Sparrow, also new to the team like me. Luckily, Lizzie was able to transfer with me and so will continue to be my performance coach. Her responsibilities have been increased to those similar to Angela Cullen, but I don't think she really minds. As for press officer, Kudzai found the perfect replacement. Since Marcus Haywood wasn't going to be racing this season for MotoGP, my other best friend Damien Myung offered to step up and fill in the role. He had been in charge of A's socials for the past few years and was able to be serious when needed. I think one of the main reasons why he wanted to fill the position was because he wanted an excuse to travel. There wouldn't be any guilt about leaving M alone as his sister Eleanor and nephew Teddy would be less than five miles away to visit him whenever. He'd also have my dog, Murray, keeping him company.

The seventeenth of February arrived really quickly. I was so happy to go back to racing after such a long break because karts just didn't cut it during the off-season. There's only so many times you can drive your local circuit. The snow in Switzerland (where I tried to spend most of my time) prevented me from doing a lot of things, but I think I really needed a period free of cars of any kind.

On my way to the circuit, Damien was blasting 'Come on Eileen' on repeat with the windows rolled down. We were both singing along rather badly but it helped ease my nerves. The wind was a bit cooler than average for this time of year, however it was still warm in comparison to the UK or Switzerland. Kudzai would've been with us but she is currently at her and Esteban's house in the UK, heavily pregnant. She is due to pop at any time so the doctor's advised she halt her travelling until the baby arrives.

"This is gonna be lit," Damien announced, during the slower part of the song.

I couldn't help but groan. "Please don't say anything like 'lit' when we arrive. First impressions are everything, D, and you can't make a bad one."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Damien rolled his eyes. "You have given me the debrief at least six times since we arrived in Barcelona."

"Only because this is really important to me."

"I get that. Have a little faith." He placed a hand on my knee as I pulled into the circuit. It was quite busy with staff as a lot of the team members were here to oversee the first official test. It took fifteen minutes to find a suitable parking space. My car was brand new and a gift from Mercedes so I wanted to keep it in immaculate condition - that means no tight spaces or else I risk scratches.

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