Chapter 80

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this was genuinely such a fun chapter to write, different to my normal style of a race weekend, and it's all condensed into one! thought i'd just mention this in case it confused anyone - no you haven't missed any chapters aha

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this was genuinely such a fun chapter to write, different to my normal style of a race weekend, and it's all condensed into one! thought i'd just mention this in case it confused anyone - no you haven't missed any chapters aha.

hope you enjoy, and let me know what you think!

votes and comments are very much appreciated, even more so since this chapter is over 5k words :)



The clapperboard labelled with 'DTS - Season 4' closed in between my face and the camera. I blinked a few times, caught by surprise at the loud noise accompanied by a yell, 'Action!', before regaining my composure with a smile.

In the corner of the darkened room, which was illuminated only by the studio lights beaming warmly onto my fresh face, a steel metal fan soundless blew cool air in my general direction. The air flow wasn't strong enough to disrupt my hair, something the cameraman in front of me was determined to prevent happening. This isn't the first interview I had done for Netflix after a race, however this was definitely the quickest they had grabbed me after I had climbed out of my car. Anyone would've thought I'd had a repeat of my Spa crash...

The braids I had worn for the Italian Grand Prix had been undone, so my hair fell in uniform waves underneath my Mercedes cap. My skin felt warm as I rested my hands in my bare lap, my skort riding high up my thigh to expose the skin. With the weather outside being as warm as it was for yet another weekend (typical summer, I guess), my team top was tied up at the front so that it was cropped.

I don't know why I felt nervous sitting in front of the camera. It wasn't my first time. Maybe it was the audience I had. Usually these interviews were conducted with only a small team behind the scenes, however this time there was at least ten people all crammed into the room, their eyes eagerly watching me, awaiting the start of my interview.

"As always, there's no script with you, so just say what you can. We'll probably chop it up a bit to fit around the appropriate clips," the kind woman, Antonietta, spoke. Her Italian accent was soft and comforting, helping to relax my nerves with her encouraging smile. She had conducted a few of my previous sessions for 'Drive To Survive' so I felt a lot more calm than if it were to be a stranger. My shoulders fell and I held my head a little bit higher. "If you could start with the aftermath of the crash in Belgium, and then the rest of your weekend. Try and word it as if you didn't know the outcome of the race. Okay?"

I smiled and nodded my head. "Okay."

"Perfect. I'll prompt you with some suggestions and then you just go from there - whatever feels natural or comfortable for you. Obviously the more detail the better, however we understand if it might be difficult for you."

"Not at all, I'll go into as much detail as you need. Just make sure you're capturing my good side, yeah?" I cracked a joke in a final attempt to calm my nerves. I knew they would want to start with my crash. They want drama, and it was pretty damn dramatic. Even though it had happened only a couple of weeks ago, I hadn't watched the incident since and my memory of the whole thing was pretty hazy. All I know is that my shoulder still aches when I lift anything heavier than normal, and my knee can randomly give out after strenuous exercise.

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