Chapter 13

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💃later on...😏


Even as I was dancing with the girls, trying to have as much fun at my own party, I couldn't help but scan the crowds, just hoping for at least a glimpse of Max. Everyone I had spoken to about him was quick to brush off the topic and I had a horrible feeling that something was wrong. When I went to text him, I realised that I had left my phone back up at the hotel since I had accidentally forgotten my bag. Luckily the hotel gave Damien a spare key to my room so I would still be able to get home tonight. It was in a very safe space that no-one would be touching tonight - my bra.

I numbly moved to the beat of the music, swaying my hips in a rhythm that matched those around me. My thoughts were drowned out by the bass of the song. Every now and again, I thought I had spotted him, but then it was gone in a flash. I'm convinced my mind was playing tricks on me in addition to the pulsating lights impairing my vision. I wasn't focussed and Vic could pick up on this.

"Maybe you just keep avoiding each other unintentionally?" She suggested, bringing her lips close to my ear so that I could hear her. She knew I was still looking out for Max and didn't offer much reassurance. "There's really no need to worry. Try and enjoy yourself."

I pulled back and sighed. "I'm going to get a drink." I gently pushed my way through the many bodies on the dance floor until I reached a clearer area of the club. The many drinks I had consumed earlier in the evening were definitely wearing off the more I danced and worried about Max. This is my birthday and he promised he wouldn't miss it because he was already missing the more intimate get together on Thursday.

Before I could reach the bar, I was intercepted by Fabio. He had two drinks in his hand and offered one out to me. "I saw you and it really looked like you could do with another one of these." I gratefully took it from him and took a big gulp of the cold liquid, no longer feeling the burn that should follow with that amount of vodka.

"Thanks," I replied, folding my arms across my chest for comfort. "You haven't seen Max at all, have you?" It was a long shot since I'm sure Fabio hadn't moved much from Marcus's side but I was still hopeful someone had seen him.

Unfortunately, Fabio shook his head. "Sorry, Lys." I couldn't hold back the sigh as I brought the drink back up to my lips. After a quick swig, I returned my arms back into their folded position, the cool class resting on the exposed skin of my arm. "I think M knows you're still hung up on him which is why he's getting annoyed seeing me with you. It's rather funny when you think about it."

I looked over Fabio's shoulder and sure enough Marcus was watching us like a hawk. "I love making him annoyed just for the sake of it."

Fabio took a step closer. "Is he still watching?" His breath was hot against my ear and sent goosebumps down my body. I nodded my head, a small smile forming at my lips. "I just want to be clear that I don't want to sleep with you, I mean, I would, but I'm not trying to. I'm-"

"Just trying to annoy Marcus?" I guess, raising my eyebrow as I leaned slightly back to look him in the eyes. He nodded his head. "Same here. Maybe it'll also bring Max out of hiding. He usually flips when I flirt with other guys."

"This is you flirting?" Fabio let out a short laugh. "Oh, that's so sweet."

"Trust me, if I was flirting, you'd know. You wouldn't be doing this just to annoy M if it was real."

"Is that how you're working your way through the Formula One grid?" He cheekily asked, earning a soft slap to the chest. "That's what the media's been saying."

"I try and ignore them," I replied with a shrug. I've seen so many stories in the news which claim these ridiculous things varying from the 'real' reason why I wore a helmet, to my speculated relationships. I just have to be seen interacting with a driver for them to assume I'm sleeping with them which is stupid. I'm glad there's no press at this party.

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