Chapter 9

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T> 'Your time is currently sixth. Can you get any more out of the car?'

A> 'I'm really struggling for grip. It's impossible to judge braking. This morning was a lot easier, I don't know what's wrong or why the tyres aren't holding up.'

T> 'Come back to the pits, Lys. That'll do us for today and we'll work hard overnight.'

A> 'Sorry, I wish I could give you more helpful information.'

T> 'Don't worry - we'll get it all fixed for quali tomorrow.'

I couldn't help but feel a little disheartened. The high of winning the last race was definitely wearing away with the lack of performance in both of the practice sessions. The first practice went better than the second as I had finished third, however sixth means we're heading in the wrong direction. The car was hard to drive and my tyres just didn't seem to be switching on, and then by the time they did, the grip had already worn down to a point where I slipped around corners. On several occasions, I had spun, however managed to keep my car out of the barriers or gravel.

Damien closely followed me as I headed for the final interviews of the day. There were quite a few other drivers around as many decided to finish the practice session early due to less-than-ideal conditions. There was a circle route that was taken around the area, and the driver directly ahead just so happened to be Daniel Ricciardo. Our crash during the race was still very much the talk of the paddock, and no matter how much I dismissed claims that I was mad at him, people just assumed I was lying for the cameras.

My eyes kept flicking in his direction as I tried to keep my sole focus on the current interview I was doing. Daniel was making many different strange noises, and the ever growing smirk on his face as he looked at me made me think he knew exactly what he was doing.

I clenched my jaw and tried not to smile. "So, yeah, I guess you can say that-" I exhaled through my nose and shook my head, "I'm sorry, Dan is being weird."

Daniel took a step to the side in my direction. The microphone that had been held to me was now positioned so that it could pick up both of our voices.  "How unprofessional!" Daniel declared as he pinched my cheek. I swatted his hand away, switching my gaze between my current interviewer and Daniel's, both of which were very interested in catching our interaction.

"I can't help it," I said with a laugh. "How'd your session go?"

"Shit, and you?"

"Shit, too." I stuck my hand out and we high-fived in union. "It doesn't matter, though, because I'm leading the championship."

"Just rubbing it in, eh?"

"You helped. You crashing into me rather rudely meant that everyone changed strategy and I was able to take advantage of that and win the race," I replied, leaning my head against Daniel as I looked up at his face. "Now, next time you have a failure, take out all the other drivers so I win by default, yeah? Teamwork!"

Daniel's grip tightened around my shoulder. "I wish I was your teammate because that'd mean I'd be driving the fastest car on the grid."

"Or I'd be driving a Renault." I scrunched my nose up at the thought. "Besides, I like having a teammate who's actually won a championship."


I folded my arms across my chest and furrowed my brow. "Whore."


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