Chapter 76

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a month (and a half) without uploading she comes back with a chapter

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a month (and a half) without uploading she comes back with a chapter

kinda sorry, kinda not. this past month has been crazy and i'll fill you all in at the a/n at the end of the chapter. STOP SPAMMING ME TO UPDATE. ITS THE OPPOSITE OF HELPFUL. I KNOW ITS BEEN AGES AND IM A SHITTY AUTHOR YOU DONT HAVE TO KEEP REMINDING ME...



as always, please don't forget to vote and leave your comments throughout! after the dramatic cliffhanger of the last chapter, i thought i'd treat you with another longer chapter (~7000 words).


*potential trigger warning - description of crash*

When you climb into a Formula One car, you don't think about the dangers. You can't. You're not allowed to get caught up in all of the things that could go wrong, the potential outcomes from accidents no matter how scary. It's like a tornado, the more debris you add to it, the more ferocious and ruthless it becomes, much like how scenarios become more fearful the more you think about them. Fear is something you must have control of at all times in a Formula One car, and usually, I have full control. No fears, no worries, nothing - just pure adrenaline and drive to extract the most from the circuit... until now.

Watching as the orange of Lando's McLaren flashed over the crest of the hill, my heart sunk to my stomach. I felt fear. I knew that the imminent impact was going to be big and feared that I wasn't going to make it out unscathed. In that moment, I thought of my family - my brother watching at home with my sister, Damien sat in the garage watching the live footage, Max catching glimpses on the big screens as he completed his cool-down lap. The fear that I wasn't going to be able to tell them how much I loved them ever again; the fear that I had so much more I wanted to experience with them by my side; the fear that I hadn't reached my full potential - all I felt was fear from the tips of my cold toes, to the top of my water-coated helmet.

It's weird; I didn't feel any pain initially. Maybe it's because I had braced myself, or maybe it's because my body was in a state of shock. Either way, it didn't hurt until after my car came to a stop the second time around.

I didn't get to see what happened to Lando's car after it made contact with the right-hand side of mine. The speed he was going was enough to force my car off the track, and my car even rolled a few times before settling upside down in the run-off area. The blood rushed to my spinning head as I hung upside down, held only in the cockpit by my seatbelts. Drops of water continued to pelt my car even when everything fell still and silent. My lungs were burning and I had to force myself to take a breath. The feeling was unnatural, not aided by the uncomfortable position I found myself in.

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