Chapter 74

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thank you all so much for over 800k reads on the first book of this series, giving us a total that exceeds well over a million on both books combined

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thank you all so much for over 800k reads on the first book of this series, giving us a total that exceeds well over a million on both books combined. i am at a loss for words with how grateful i am for you.

as promised, here's a little early birthday chapter. i'm turning 21 tomorrow (april 1st)! probably won't reply to too many comments for the first 24 hours this chapter is up bc i will be very very drunk.


Damien emailed my media schedule early Thursday morning, a little later than I would've liked due to him nursing, in his words, 'a killer hangover'. Why he thought it was a good idea to drink the day and night before he had work responsibilities was beyond me. When he showed up at my motor home with a pair of dark sunglasses over his eyes and an overwhelming amount of cologne to try and mask the lingering smell of liquor, I nearly fired him on the spot. Just because he's my friend doesn't mean he gets to act this way - it's unprofessional. My image was a portfolio of myself and those around me, and I didn't want him tarnishing it because of his irresponsible impulses.

Max and I, similarly to most drivers this weekend, opted to stay in motor homes as opposed to hotel rooms. Despite having separate ones, almost all of his belongings were in mine. The only time Max would spend time in his motor home was if he had work to do and didn't want to be disturbed. Because of this, I was able to find out from him that we would be having our main interview together, putting my anxious mind at ease as I waited for Damien to send over the schedule.  

This weekend was going to be a pretty big statement for me and Max; it's the first full Grand Prix weekend where we were completely open about our relationship as drivers. We could finally walk to the circuit together without the need for speculation, we didn't need to sneak a quick kiss in private in fear of someone seeing, and we didn't have to make up excuses as to why we're together. This is the first time ever since people realised I was 'A', and I had honestly missed this aspect of our previous poor attempt at a relationship.

My brilliant white Mercedes shirt was a contrast to his deep Red Bull blue one, and I'm sure it made for quite some pictures as we walked hand in hand into the paddock on Thursday. My makeup was natural like my hair, which fell in waves past my shoulders and bounced with my stride. I smiled and waved my free hand to the photographers waiting at the entrance to give off a positive and optimistic vibe. I'm sure Max would've done the same if he wasn't using his other hand to hold a large umbrella to shelter us from the drizzle that fell from the light grey rain clouds. The sun decided that it wasn't going to make an appearance and was forecast to stay obscured for the remainder of the weekend. Goosebumps formed on my exposed arms with every gust of wind however I had made such a big deal about not needing a jacket before leaving that I didn't want to admit I was cold - I'm just too stubborn.

All of the drivers were at the circuit today so it wasn't a surprise to cross paths with some of them. Seb greeted me and Max in his typical cheery fashion, promising a catch-up at some point to discuss our summers. His teammate, Charles, had been in quite the hurry as he was running late for a scheduled interview and so could only give us a quick 'hey' and a wave. Lewis was dressed in a matching shirt to me and only offered words of encouragement. I had been a little but apprehensive about how he would feel being the second driver at Mercedes, however he made an effort to reassure me that he was happy to even race alongside me in my 'championship winning season'. I hope he didn't jinx that. I was surprised when we walked past Lando; he usually avoids our gaze after the incidents of the past couple of months, however this time I could've sworn that his lips curved slightly upwards into a smile. I might've just been imagining it, though, my brain creating something that I wanted to see. Either way, I couldn't stop thinking about it - I missed Lando, and I knew Max did, too.

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