Chapter 8

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Liked by maxverstappen1 and 690,577 others

alyssaarcher  i'm the happiest godmother ever! can't believe this little one is finally here and i'm actually able to post about it (three days late, mind, thanks to @estebanocon slacking on updates about the birth... jk ily). huge congratulations to kudz and esteban on the birth of libby monet damia marcia anthoinette ocon-bandera, you guys have been blessed with an angel ❤️

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maxverstappen1 baby fever hitting hard, huh?

     | alyssaarcher  you don't even know 😭 i was on facetime to kudz for three hours just for the baby

     | maxverstappen1 better hurry up and win the championship then. when you do, give me a call 😏😂

     | alyssaarcher  in your dreams 😘😂

     | maxverstappen1  you are 😘😂

     | archer70_fan  never know when you two are serious. are you dating? we're dying over here 😭😭

     | alyssaarcher @archer70_fan definitely not dating. the man is just desperate 😉😂

     | maxverstappen1 @archer70_fan all for fun. you should see how annoyed she gets in person - simply lovely 😂👌


The few days leading up to the Bahrain Grand Prix weekend all seemed to merge together. As soon as I had visited my family, I had meetings with my main sponsor, Michael Kors, to discuss the collaboration details and work out meeting dates. Before I could even begin to wrap my head around that, I was jetting off to the Middle East for press events and data analysis for the weekend. I couldn't find a moment to catch my breath, let alone worry about the expectations going into the weekend of the Grand Prix. The fact that I was leading the championship (granted, we had only had one race so far) didn't seem possible a couple of years ago - even a couple of weeks ago it seemed crazy!

Lizzie had scheduled me to do a late night work out on Thursday evening. I was still jet-lagged and had absolutely no concept for what time it actually was so it wasn't dreading it as much as I had done earlier on in the week. My hair was lazily pulled back into a high ponytail so that it would stay out of my face. I didn't expect the workout to be particularly high-impact considering the team do not want me aching before stepping into the car first thing on Friday.

Before leaving my hotel room to head to the gym, I shoved a spare pair of clothes into a bag to take down with me. I hated staying in sweaty gym clothes for too long after a workout so a spare was always necessary. Also in the bag, I chucked in my key card, my phone, and my water bottle for hydration.

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