Chapter 7

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I would've loved to have stayed in Australia a little longer to celebrate but I knew that I had more important places to be. Turns out, halfway through the race, Kudzai went into full blown labour and was sent straight to the hospital. I obviously didn't find out until Damien came rushing over when I was doing an interview for Channel 4, which was abruptly cut short. Damien and I were booked onto the first available flight to the East Midlands out of Melbourne. Thankfully everyone who would be effected by my absence was super kind and understanding about me cutting everything short.

"I wish you could've stayed longer," Victoria told me over the phone before letting out a heavy exhale. "Why did Kudzai have to have her baby when I'm actually working on the opposite side of the world?"

I chuckled softly, adjusting my phone on my ear as I sat down in the terminal with my carry-on bag. There wasn't enough to pack up all of my belongings so I left mine and D's hotel keys with Lizzie so that she could bring it back with the rest of the team. I brought the valuables with me and a spare change of clothes. Damien was on the phone to Esteban at the opposite end of my bench. "I'll make sure to tell both Kudz and her baby off when I land."

"Yeah, one sec-" her voice suddenly became quiet and I guessed that she had moved the phone away from her ear. It sounded as if she was talking to somebody else, however I couldn't quite make out what she was saying. There was a rustling noise before her clear voice sounded through once again. "Daniel was looking for you."

"What, Ricciardo?" I furrowed my brows.

"What other Daniel do you know?"


"Should I put him on the line?" Vic asked, however I doubt I was going to get much choice as my 'yes' seemed to just fade on the other line, along with her voice.

A few short moments later, a deeper voice spoke through the line. "Hello?" Something I'd never tell him is how much I love his accent. Whenever I hear it, I can't help but smile.

"Hey, Danny boy, is everything okay?" I asked, tugging my bottom lip between my teeth as I brought my legs up onto the empty space next to me. I brought my knees up to my chest despite the aching pain from today's earlier race, wrapping my free arm underneath my thighs.

"I-I didn't get a chance to find you after the race. I'm really sorry for crashing into you, Lys. It was completely my fault, but also an accident. My steering locked and I-"

"My team told me what happened," I interrupted his rambling, the corners of my lips tugging upwards even though he couldn't see me. "I'm not annoyed at you or anything. I might not have won if you hadn't hit me," I added with a laugh.

"Congratulations, by the way," his voice was filled with sincerity as he spoke and I wished that he was with me in person so that I could give him a hug. "You're actually leading the championship."

"Is that you finally admitting I'm the better driver, Ricciardo?" I teased in an attempt to prove that I had no resentment.

Daniel laughed. "That'll never happen, doll, because it isn't true."

"You chat a lot of shit for a Renault driver."

"I see Lewis's arrogance is rubbing off on you," Daniel retorted.

"Nah, I'm just in a lot of pain because of yesterday's crash," I replied, not bothering to try and argue his comment about Lewis being arrogant. "Having some twat in a yellow car crash into me today during the race didn't help."

"That overtake would've been so sexy if it'd worked out."

"Sexy?" I raised an amused eyebrow even though Daniel couldn't see me. "Not the word I would've used."

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