Chapter 88

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hope the new cover didn't throw you off haha

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hope the new cover didn't throw you off haha

thank you for all the love and support on my previous chapter! it's another long one so let's keep it up <3


I brought my hand up and rapped it thrice against the white, wooden door. My weight shifted between my feet as the person on the other side rustled around. I wasn't waiting for long before the door swung inwards,  revealing a beaming Canadian. "I didn't think you'd actually come."

I smiled up at Lance. "You invited me, I had no plans - why wouldn't I come?"

Lance shrugged his shoulders and stepped to the side, allowing me in to his hotel room. His bed was neatly made, however there were various papers scattered across the cream sheet. A laptop was also open on the bed, the power chord discarded in a twist on the floor beside it. As I took a seat on the edge of the bed, I couldn't help but notice the Venturi logo in the top left corner of the many pages of paper's faces.

"No Max tonight?"

I shook my head. "He had to stay late, but he told me to say apologise on his behalf. He wanted to talk to you about something regarding the video game you guys played together the other night, so I guess he'll try and catch you tomorrow."

Lance let out a small laugh and sat down on the sofa so that he was facing me. "That's okay, there's something I needed to talk to you about anyway."

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow, eyes flicking to the papers next to me on the bed. "Does it have anything to do with Venturi?"

"You're observant."

"You can say nosy, Lance, I won't be offended," I reassured with a laugh. "So do you actually think you'll leave Formula One?"

With a bite of his lips, the Canadian shrugged his shoulders. It didn't take much analysis to see he was conflicted about the decision. How could he not be? Formula One is usually the end goal of many aspiring racers, and he has a seat secured. Not many people would even considering giving up something like that for a lesser-known series. "I don't know. Do I really have reason to stay?"

Oh, Lance. I gave him a sympathetic look, knowing all too well what it's like to feel like you're not enough for your job. "I think you do." Lance gave me a look, prompting me to elaborate. "Fuck the people who say you only have your seat because of your dad. No team would keep a driver solely for that reason. You're a talented racer, which you proved in the other series before you even had a seat, and even now in your shitbox of a car - full offence on that one, I'm still bitter about how they fucked me over."

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