Chapter 61

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fourth upload in two weeks 😭 idk about you but i'm so proud of myself

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fourth upload in two weeks 😭 idk about you but i'm so proud of myself. let's just ignore all my late uni work k

it's also 8000 words so show this chapter some love pls


For some reason, neither Marcus not Damien seemed to be capable of answering their phones. I couldn't just not go to their house because it would make me look like an idiot for using it as an excuse to leave so I made myself up a duffle of clothes and necessities and hopped into the car. I made multiple attempts to contact them during my journey there using my car's voice control aspect in an attempt to distract myself from the fact that Max was meeting Zara. This decision may be a little irrational especially because of my fears of spending the night without Max but every relationship needs space sometimes so that the healing can start. It's like a sprained ankle - by not putting any unnecessary weight onto it, you allow for the healing process to run its course. We just have a little sprain in our relationship, that's all, and it'll get fixed with time, trust, and patience.

In between my attempts to contact M and D, my car's speakers softly sung sad songs. It was a bad habit of mine to listen to mood-downers when my mood was already low; I had zero intentions of breaking this habit. Despite this, I wasn't prepared to listen to any songs that focused on cheating because I knew it would make my head start creating incriminating scenarios where Max has betrayed me - I need to trust that he hasn't. They were all skipped.

My fingers tapped nervously on the side of my steering wheel as I neared the house. In my chest, my heart was starting to thump a little louder, too. I started to have my doubts about how good of an idea this really was. I mean, I couldn't walk away from Max when he first confessed he was hiding something so what makes me think I'm able to do it now when he was actually open(ish) about who he was meeting. In addition to this, I started to doubt whether Marcus and Damien wanted to see me. They were either ignoring or denying my phone calls and it might just be there way of showing me that they don't want me around right now.

The first thing to catch me by surprise when I pulled up to the house was the lack of parking. My usual spot on the driveway was occupied by a flashy looking Audi. In fact, the entire drive was backed up with nice cars, with some even taking up the spaces on the pavement of the narrow street. I wasn't too impressed by the fact that I had to park on the next street over - what is going on?

With my duffle bag slung over my shoulder and my phone clutched tightly in my hand, I walked up to the front door. The soft thumping of bass could be heard from the bottom of the drive so I knew it was going to be even louder inside. Why are they having a party? I had barely raised my fist to knock on the door when it was swinging inwards to reveal a grinning Fabio Quartararo. Behind him, there was a crowd of people mingling and swaying away to the music, which was now more clear - Doja Cat, meaning Damien had control of the playlist.

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