Found a lil secret

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Shockwave x Soundwave (tfp)
Thank you guys for making this book go from 136 place in Transformers to 70. It made me really happy to see that happen and it's all thanks to you guys. I hope your all doing okay and here's another request.

Soundwave was going about his daily duties on the ship, ready for his small break. He was feeling a tad down more than often. He wasn't sure if he was sick or he was just feeling some sort of emotion, he hadn't felt anything in some time. So he couldn't pin point what this feeling was. He was planning on seeing Knockout during his break to see what was wrong.
Soundwave was walking with Lord Megatron to Shockwaves lab. It was a long refreshing walk, that he felt he needed after constantly working in dim lighting on the Nemesis. He sighed inaudibly behind his visor. He relaxed his position slumping slightly as they continued to walk. He was still perfectly well aware of his surroundings even when he seemed so relax. He wasn't as relaxed as anyone would think. As they entered the lab he fixed his posture making himself tower above normal Cybertronian height. His peds stuttered as he caught sight of Shockwave and his spark did a flip making him catch and hold him breath for a couple seconds before continuing forward confidently. He wasn't sure what this feeling was, but it gave him a high he hadn't felt in a long time.
Upon hearing the two arriving Shockwave turned his optics first glanced over Soundwave, dragging along his frame then turning his attention to Megatron as he began to explain his most recent found research.
*end of flashback*
Was it when Soundwave's spark did a flip that he felt awful or after he left Shockwave with him barley acknowledging his presence. He didn't understand these weird emotions and shock his helm as he finished the rest of task and went on break. He walked himself to the medbay. Upon opening he saw Shockwave in there talking to Knockout and Breakdown. Shockwave looked up and immediately cutting off his conversation and left the room. Soundwave was beyond confused and felt his spark sink, he felt like Shockwave hated him and was avoiding him. Soundwave shook off his feeling and moved so the door would close behind him. He stepped towards Knockout and he coward.
"I swear I haven't done anything against Lord Megatron, please don't scratch the finish." He screeched shielding himself with his servos. Soundwave shook his helm. His visor showed up with words saying he wasn't feeling well and asked for a check up. Knockout relaxed and gestured towards the breth in the middle of the medbay. Soundwave walked to it. He never sat on it himself as he never been injured or sick before. So he sat awkwardly on it with his long skinny length. He looked at Knockout waiting for him. He was more used to watching other people having to be on the breth then him for check ups and repairs. From Megatron and Starscream to Vehicons. This was a new experience to him so he tried to relax for the exam. He shivered as he felt the scanner scan over his frame. He watched Knockout carefully as he waited for an answer as to why he felt this way.
"There's nothing wrong with you, your vitals are fine, you're not sick, what seems to be getting to you? Is it something emotional perhaps?" Knockout asked as he studied Soundwave. Soundwave answered through his visor.
-My spark is flipping, skipping, and has a feeling of sinking.- He answered. Knockout hummer thinking.
"When does this usually happen?" He said drumming his digits against his data pad.
-Mostly around Shockwave.- He answered after a long time of silence as he thought. Knockout chuckled.
"I think our big emotionless surveillance con is having a crush." He teased. Soundwave tilted his helm. A crush? He wondered. He got up and left without a word thinking he'll have to research on this crush condition Knockout talked about.
Later on Soundwave was it his surveillance station. He was looking through the different cameras when it came to Shockwave's lab. He saw Shockwave working and talking to one his beast. . . About him? He watched silently and closely listened. Shockwave had feelings for him? What kind of feelings? Did he dislike him so much that he avoided him? He would have to ask Knockout seeing as Knockout seemed to know the most about what was going on. A couple of hours of surveillance later, Soundwave was done for the night and went to Knockout for answers when he came across Shockwave in front of his breth room. Upon seeing Soundwave, Shockwave let slip a putt of sorts. He shook his helm and straightened up.
"I need to talk to you Soundwave." Shockwave said. Soundwave nodded and opened his breth room, gesturing for Shockwave to enter. Shockwave hesitated before actually entering making up his mind. Soundwave followed, his sparking speeding up as they were now in his breth room completely alone. Soundwave waited for Shockwave to speak.
"About why I was avoiding you." Shockwave paused glancing to the floor. Almost out of character of him as he fidgeted with his digits. He cleared his voice box.
"I thought it was logical to keep space away from you as I have been feeling illogical romantic emotions towards you." He said glancing at Soundwave. Sound wave felt surprised as this secret. So he didn't hate him? He felt relieved. He sighed as his spark speed. He stepped forward and reached his servo to Shockwave's face plate. He brushed his digits softly against his cheek plate.
-I have felt the same way. And it will be our little secret until your ready.- His visor read. Shockwave relaxed into Sounwaves touch.
"Thank you." He whispered.

Goodness 900+ words. Thank you for being patient with this next chapter. It's really helping with easing back into writing these chapters again. It means a lot. I hope you all enjoyed this. This was completed between 12am and 11;59pm like promised. Finished as 6pm. Again I hope you enjoyed and I hope you all have an amazing day. ^^

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