Surprise {Bee!r×Blurr} √

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Blurr leaned against the wall as he bee play a race game with Miko and Raf two of the humans at base what was funny was bee didn't know Blurr was there right behind him. He wanted to surprise Bee so he had told everyone not to tell him. Jack the third human came in and chuckled and sat down fast. 'I feel like you guys aren't telling me something,' bee beeped. Blurr decided at that moment to tackling Bee. Blurr tackled bee and bee fought back Blurr laughed which made Bee stop struggling as he realized it was his friend Blurr 'Blurr?' Bee asked "Yep Bee?" He asked back getting up off of Bee. Bee flipped onto his back and stared up at Blurr.

[Bee pov:]

You stared up at Blurr you hadn't seen him in forever. His blue armor plating was shiny barely had any scratches he gave you his servo and you took it standing on your peds. You hugged Blurr 'I haven't seen you in forever!' He hugged you back and chuckled at you. "You guys can go chat and tell each other what's been going on," Raf said as Blurr and you let go of each other Blurr nodded and you started walking down the hall "You should have been here when..." You told him everything that had happened. When you two got past your berth Blurr pushed you in your room and locked the dorm behind him. He stared at you then walked closer to you making you back into the wall. He pulled your mask back putting his other on your hip and putting the other one next to your helm. He kissed you and you slowly kissed back as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around your waist he was at least a foot taller than you. He brought his servo down to your leg and wrapped your legs around his waist making you guys closer together. He lightly nibbled on your bottom lip asking for entrance you denied. He softly growled at you and grappled a sensitive part on your back. You yelped and he took the apportionment stick his glossa in your mouth before you guys could get further a knock came to the door you both sighed pulling apart...

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