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Ratchet x Female Reader

¥ou were the only one to truly notice how bad Ratchet's sleeping habits got. He wasn't recharging as well as he should be. You were his charge, he took care of you, maybe it was your turn. You had told your parent earlier in the day you would be spending the weekend with them. They were happy in way, either because you had a friend or they got the house to themselves. You had duffle bag wrapped around your rip muscled arm. For a female you were well built just enough you could take on full grown men. Your arms rippled as you shouldered the bag as Ratchet pulled up. You set your bag down carefully on his floor matting as you climbed in.
"Hey Doc." You said buckling up.
"Hey kid." He responded back as he peeled away from your school parking lot.
"What's with the bag?" He asked, his tone tired though he seemed at least a little curious.
"Oh, I'm staying at the base this weekend." You said happily to him. He pulled off on the side of road and stopped.
"Your what?" Hi voice grew slightly.
"I'm staying with you at the base this weekend." You repeated smiling at the dashboard.
"Why?" He asked his voice hushing.
"Because I need some time away from my family." You answered it was part of the truth since you were getting really feed up with them. He made a small noise and being driving to the base again. It was silent until you reached the base. You hopped out with your bag as Ratchet transformed behind you. You both walked back to his bedroom where you dumped your duffle bag off at. He picked you up as he walked back to the main part of the base.
"Hello (y/n)." Optimus greeted you before greeting Ratchet. You and Ratchet had talked in the previous months about the chance of him having a small crush on Optimus. But you two only talked about it once and you allowed it to be that way, you didn't want to force Ratchet to tell you things, if and when he was ready he'd talk. You watched Ratchet's digits run across his keyboard while he stared at the screen. Ratchet had taught you the cybertronian language seeing as you were interested in everything Cybertron. You leaned against Ratchet's cheekplate as he sighed.
"Tired?" You asked him. He punched his nose.
"No, it's just all this work and research." He sighed.
"Why not a break?" You asked as you looked at your watch it was already 9 almost 10 o'clock. Ratchet walked down to his breth with a tired sigh and a creak to his frame. He opened the door and went to his breth. He sat door picking you up as he laid down with you on his chest. His servo wrapped around you as a blanket. He instantly was asleep as you fell asleep on his chest.

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