Burning Home ✅

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Warning sad scene ahead

Optimus looked at the blazing fire and dead cybertronians; friends, enemies, mechs, femmes, sparklings. He held his emotions back, but he felt them bubbling in his chassis as his gaze reflected his burning home.
Other than engines firing up, ready to take off, the only other sounds were the crackling, snapping, blazing fires all around them.
In his helm was a completely different story.
The gunshots, cheers of Decepticons as they struck down Autobots and helpless bystanders, the screams and cries of mechs, femmes, and sparklings alike as the earlier fight for Cybertron was all around them, still ringing in his helm. Echoing as if his helm was hallow, his spark broke with every life killed in a battle that was unneeded.
A cough from behind him, startled him as his gaze swept away from the blazing once beautiful, towering city and to one of his comrades and closest friends. The red of his chassis is what told him, it was no enemy and so he relaxed.
"We're ready time leave, sir." Ironhide said with a deep tone of respect towards his leader. Optimus nodded, turning to follow him, but he allowed his gaze to drift back to the city once more as though saying goodbye before turning to leave.

Megatron's proud feeling began to dull into guilt within his chassis as he stared at the destruction around him. The destruction he caused. The lives he took. He vented heavily as a frown took to his features.
"This is all for the greater good." He whispered to himself. He put on his fake smile before turning to the troops and not taking a single guilty glance at his once beautiful planet.

So this originally was a lot shorter and I wrote it for an Transformers Amino contest back last year.
I don't know if I'll be able to continue to write Transformers or be even part of the community. I thought the community had changed, but there's just so much toxicity that I've been met with in this community. From being dehumanized, bullied, being made uncomfortable, harassed, attacked, and having my pronouns disrespected. I just don't know how much more of this community I can take. It seems as though the majority of the transformers fandom has gone to shit and the good people are few. To the point they are ran out by twats. So I'm sorry if you liked my books, but I can't find interest or connection to transformers anymore after the shit I've been put through by a lot of people. I'll try my best to put out the last two chapters of this book I've been working on for probably well over year, but I'll most likely no longer post anything transformers related. This account might even be taken down.
I'm sorry to those of you who loved my books and continued to read them even after some of them go through their 14th rewrite.
I love you guys for actually enjoying my crap.
And I would be careful with Transformers Amino. Especially if you want to write and post Transformers x Reader on there. A lot of people will attack and bully you for writing it.
Also please be safe and take care sweet peas.
Much love~


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