Blossom. (Arcee×Megatron)pt1√

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Megatron stood, watching as the green of a forest showed nothing moving through the brush, underneath tall looming pine trees.
"Lord Megatron." Starscream's screechy voice hit Megatron's sensitive audio receptors, his frame crawling with the urge to smack him.
"What is it Starscream?" He snapped turning around. Before his grim expression turned into a smirk at the wounded blue femme before him.
"Ah, Arcee." He purred, he walked forwards his ped steps heavy as he moved, her helm snapped up upon hearing his peds stop only a little bit away. Megatron grinned at her softly taking her chin into his digits grasp.
"The beautiful Autobot femme, Arcee is finally in my grasp." He chuckled causing his vents to hit Arcee in the face plate. Arcee blinked a couple times before jerking away from Megatron.
"If you're going to kill me or torture me for information, then you better get it done with it. I'm not giving you any information." She growled at Megatron. Starscream kicked Arcee down on the ground.
"That is no way to talk to your Lord and Master, Megatron." Starscream screeched at her.
"Starscream!" Megatron roared at him. Starscream stood shacking like a leaf in his spot. Megatron picked Arcee up by her servo and helped her to the nemesis' medbay.

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