Friendship √

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TFA Bumblebee x Reader: Friendship.

You first met the Autobots when they saved you from becoming Blitzwing's pet. You had your luck when they saved you, you weren't hurt in any way, but you were a bit traumatized from the events. Bumblebee was the one to get you out while the others faught them off. You really didn't have a home. You were someone that lived on the streets. When the Autobots found out, especially Bumblebee, they insisted that you'd stay with them. That's how you were adopted into such a wonderful family. You weren't lonely because you had Bumblebee as your best friend. There was another kid there every now and then named Sari, she got jealous when she saw you playing with her "bot." But you felt no attraction to Bee. He was simply your best friend.

You were playing Mario Kart Wii with him when Sari came stomping in.

"My turn." She bellowed at you snatching the game control and kicking you away.

"Alright." You mumbled you got up dusting yourself off and were ready to walk out.

"Hey Sari, why'd you do that for?" Bee asked. You heard the huff as you approached the doorway.

"Because you're my best friend first, Bee. Not (y/n)." Sari yelled angrily.

"Sari, were best friends, but (y/n) is like a sibling to me," Bee said softly.

"So you don't like (y/n) in any way? Other than a sibling?" Sari asked confused. You stood outside the door listening.

"Only like a sibling. So why don't all three of us play all at once?" Bee asked. You didn't hear a reply, but next, you heard the door open, Sari stared at you for a second before smiling at you.

"Come on, Let's play." She said handing you another controller. You grinned at her following her in with a spring to your step.

You sat on a pillow on the floor as Sari sat in Bee's lap. You all were laughing and having a great time.

-Outside the door-

Optimus smiled at the warm laughter that bubbled out from the door.

You all were finally getting along, having some fun, as younglings should do.

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