Put Him in His Place [Megatron]

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(Megatron x Femme!Reader) [Fluff] {G1}

Primus how much you couldn't handle Megatron leader of decepticons your kind. Ugh he always said what he was going to do to the Autobots like,

"I'm gonna take this energon and leave after destroying you," well not exactly like that, but close enough so you had requested to see him alone to talk. Never told him about what maybe that was a bad idea. Probably. But who could undo the past? Right? You knocked on his berth room door and it opened to reveal a recharging Megatron at his desk with a pile of plans. You snorted walking in letting the door shut. He did kinda look cute. Snap out of it (y/n) there's no way he'd ever like you besides you're here to put him in his place whether he liked it or not.

"Megatron." You snapped making him jolt awake and look at you with a exhausted look.

"Oh umm (y/n)... What is it?" He asked walking over to you. Let just say he's pretty tall compared to you.

"Well for one thing you need to stop telling our enemies exactly what we're doing or else we will never get anything done!!!" You yelled at him your face close to his anger clear on your face. "Second are you and optimus still buddies or something and we didn't get that because we are decepticons for a reason we use deceptions. Lies. Do you know what any of that means!?!?!" You yelled hitting his chassis which barely did anything he smirked down at you.

"I like this side to you (y/nn), you should bring it out more often." He leaned in closer your lips inches away.

"Well at least I'm the only con here who understands what were supposed to be doing." You grumbled.

"In which you are a great candidate to rule the cons beside me." He said softly.

"Yeah well- wait what?" You asked feeling lips on yours a rough passionate kiss in which you kissed back. He pulls away a huge smirk on his face plates.

"Is that a yes?" He asked you nodded breathlessly he pulled you to his berth making you lay down in which he laid with you his servo bringing you slightly on top of him so your helm was on his chassis. He fell asleep swiftly which caused you to giggle and watch him a bit before you became tired as well.

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