Phobia of Storms√

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Blurr x female reader

You laughed as Blurr softly tickled you making sure he didn't hurt your fragile human body. You two had been watching TV at your house, seeing as both of you wanted to be away from the other bots and spend some quality time together. Blurr slowly stopped tickling you and pulled you close in a cuddle, you burying your face in his warm chassis. A big boom made you screech in fear as you ducked, curling up and hiding in Blurr's lap.
"(Y/n) what's the matter?" He asked you softly. You only whimpered when he tried to pry you off his ped. Still very confused on why you were so upset, he looked outside at the raging clouds another boom caused you to cry softly.
"Are you afraid of storms?" He asked softly his face plate relaxing as he looked at you. You nodded slowly.
"It's okay. I'm here, (Y/n)." He said coaxing you up to cuddle against his chassis, he laid back putting a blanket on you giving you your favorite stuffy and then putting his servo over top of you. You looked at him rubbing your tears from your cheeks as he smiled at you.
"See extra protection. Everything's alright, I'm right here with you, okay?" He asked you. You slowly nodded whimpering out a hoarse 'thank you' to him. He nodded.
"Your welcome, little (Y/n)." He said as your eyes closed as you held his warm chassis plating tight in one hand, your other had your (f/stuffy) and you listen to his sparkbeat as you fell asleep not noticing the storm that was raging on outside.

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