Look at that Body ✅

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Finally! An actual update! Is probably what your thinking. You are correct. You may fear no more. Now. Enjoy.

You watched Optimus closely since the day you arrived to take your place with the team. You found him as a desirable, sexy mech. Wheeljack on the other hand, thought differently of you being a drooling stalker. You just liked Optimus, his thicc hips that when he walked they'd swing to their own beat. You found him irresistible, someone you couldn't have. But you fantasied about him. You fantasied about those wide hips of his doing magical things to you.
You were knocked out of your drooling daze by your friend Wheeljack as he elbowed you, Optimus had called names for which teams were going on what mission. You got stuck with Wheeljack and Bulkhead not your lover or you hoped to soon be lover in the near-distant future. You sighed softly as you and your friends went on your chosen mission.
"You're distressed that you didn't get to go with him, aren't you?" Wheeljack asked jokingly as Bulkhead took the lead as you headed through a narrow canyon-way. You nodded with a sigh putting your a servo to your face.
"Why doesn't he ever choose me! It's always Arcee or someone else." You heaved a dramatic sigh once more.
"Probably cause you're always zoning out around him." Wheeljack admitted with a chuckle.
"So... I should stop? In order to go on a mission with him?" You asked looking at your friend.
"Maybe, maybe not." He shrugs.
"We're getting closer to the Energon source." Bulkhead said excitedly. He was quite aways ahead of you two so you both jogged to catch up.
"How far?"
"Not to far. Just around the bend." Bulkhead answered your question.
You three came around the bend and hit a dead end. You all looked at each other in confusion before you all heard gun shots. You looked up to see several large boulders. Coming to crash down on top of you. You ran and pushed Wheeljack along with Bulkhead out of the way last minute. Your frame felt dented and dirty. You pushed and crawled your way out of the the dirt and boulders. You finally saw sunlight and through the small crack your friends were fighting the enemy. You lifted the last boulder off of yourself and slipped out, the rest of the rumble slipped around you and fell onto the ground, releasing you fully. Your frame hurt and creaked. You lifted yourself up with a vent and ran at Knockout as he was distracted with Bulkhead. He turned his helm to look at you right as you punched him hard in the face plate. Giving Bulkhead enough time to punch Knockout in the chest causing a big dent as he flew back crashing into Breakdown as Wheeljack smashed his helm into Breakdown's. They ran through a portal as you collapsed into Bulkhead's arms. You were glitching.... offline.... you didn't want to look at how much damage was inflicted on your frame so you looked at Bulkhead with terror as your optics off-lined.

You awoke to no pain in your joints. You slowly got up looking around seeing you were back at the base. You went to get up, but something tugged at your arm plate. You looked to see an IV and pulled it out. You finally got fully up and walked a little bit out of the med bay to see Ratchet clicking awake at a computer. You smiled and hugged him.
"Hey Ratch, Thank you for patching me up."
"Just take it easy and don't get hurt... again." You nodded and walked to your room.
You laid in your room for maybe a couple hours, when you heard a knock from the door. You walked over to answering it. Optimus stood before you, his face filled of worry. One glance down at you and his worries faded away, finally seeing you in healthy and safe condition. He swept you off your feet with a kiss, closing the door behind you. He sat you down on the breth seeming to watch to cry as he tenderly touched your face plate. His optics welded up with tears before he closed them and shook his head before giving you another hug after sitting down beside you. Cuddling you and giving the love he so longing desired to give to you, but was so afraid to before you had even gotten hurt.

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