Crash Into Me √

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Title inspired by Chris Daughtry song. Optimus x F!Reader. Not a lemon.

Your pov.

You had just came to Earth greeted by Megatron along with multiple other surviving members of the Decepticons. The greeting came to an end when the Autobots showed with their military allies from Earth. It was chaotic, it was war. You were fighting Ironhide not allowing him to pull one of his cannons on you. He blocked your strike, grabbing your ped and slinging you in a random direction. That direction just happened to be in Optimus'.
As he was fighting Megatron your small frame slammed into his giving him the force he needed to slam his sword into Megatron's chassis. The Decepticons became silent. Starring as their leader gave one more fatal stab towards his enemy, only to strike you in your tank. You spewed out energon from between your slightly parted dermas. Your frame trembling as you fell to your knee struts. The sword still in you with your dead leader clutching his sword tightly in his fist. You felt arms around you. Your hearing was ringing none stop. You heard muffled words and you saw only blurs. You let a small shaky vent as you let yourself give into sweet bitter darkness. Your last sight being on a blurry figure of the Autobot leader.

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