Noticing feelings ✅

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Arcee x Bumblebee (tfp)

Arcee sat alone in the base, she felt sad and alone. A part of her screamed out as she felt like she was almost always alone. She couldn't get close to anyone. She couldn't find a sparkmate thanks to everyone she partnered with dying. Arcee felt as though everywhere she went, death followed. She walked down the hall as she was walking to her breth room so the others when they got back wouldn't notice her breaking down. She felt the cool drop of tears slide down her cheek plates from her optics. How could she not cry? Everyone she loved was torn from her. She couldn't get close to anyone without hurting them. She was always so terrified of seeing Jack hurt. She tried her best no matter what to see that he wouldn't be killed. But this was war after all. There'd be death with or without war, but it was far worse with the war. Tailgate, Cliffjumper, and now she had to worry about Jack? She mumbled to herself as she walked into her breth room and sat on her breth. She thought about the team. They were always around her and they could die too because of her. Her mind shifted to the thought of seeing Bumblebee die and her spark wrenched at the thought. It was such a strong feeling of despair at the very thought, that it made Arcee confused as to why she was more emotional over the possibility of Bee dying. Didn't she have more emotions towards him? Was she more attached to him then the others? She was confused, but decided to leave it as she laid down to fall into a sleep full of nightmares.
Bumblebee was talking to Raf as they were on their way back to base after kids school let out. He was excited today was the day he told Arcee he liked her and Raf was rooting for him. As they rolled into the base and came to a stop, Raf hopped out and Bee transformed looking around for Arcee. He looked down at Raf.
"Go." Raf told his friend as he smiled up at him. Bumblebee nodded and ran down the hallway to look for Arcee. Bumblebee checked the training room, the medbay, and then came to Arcee's room. He knocked on the door with no answer. He heard what sounded like a whimper in the room. He opened the door and there laid Arcee deep in a dream of terror, her optics leaking as her frame curled in on itself. Bumblebee close the door behind him as he walked to Arcee. He sat on the breth and shooting Arcee lightly. She shot up, fully awake and her blades to Bumblebee's pipes. She shook her helm putting them away.
"I'm sorry, Bee. You scared me." She admitted with a nervous chuckle.
"It's fine. Are you okay?" Bee beeped with concern.
"Yeah. Yes. I'm fine. No worries." Arcee replied trying to reassure her friend.
"Well. I'm always here for you, don't forget that. You can always talk to me. No matter what's on your mind." He told her. Arcee looked up at him and gave him the smallest of smiles.
"Thanks bee." She said softly and leaned against. She was so tired. She felt like she barely got any rest. Between the nightmares and flashbacks, she was mental exhausted.
"You're welcome." He said softly hugging her. After a couple minutes of holding her, he beeped once more.
"I need to tell you something, Arcee." He said nervously. Arcee looked up to Bumblebee waiting.
"Well you see. I like you. . . A lot. And I hope you accept my feelings because I'll always be here to protect you and-" Arcee cut Bee off before he could continue to ramble. Her digit against his dermas.
"I like you too." She said softly pausing.
"But I don't want to hurt you." She continued looking down at her peds.
"You can't hurt me Arcee. I promise. I'll stay by your side and keep you safe till the end of time. Your the most beautiful and strongest femme, I have ever met and I would like to make you mine." Bee said sincerely.
"I would. . ." She paused looking for the right words before looking up at Bee with a smile.
"I would be pleased to be yours and you be mine." She said softly, a blush forming on her cheek plates.
Bumblebee bent his helm down and gave her a soft kiss.
"I will always protect you." He whispered to her, giving the side of her helm a nuzzle.

I hope guys enjoy this one. And sorry for it being so short. And I hope you have an amazing day.

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