H!Starscream×Reader √

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Human Starscream x Reader

Fluffy with slightly lewdy~ Yummy yummy

You sat a crossed from Starscream. You were in a Cafe called The Little Cafe, of course in USA. You hadn't touched your food yet, and that slightly worried Starscream as all Starscream could see on your face was just blank expressions. Starscream softly touched your wrist causing you to come out of your little and daze, you looked up before you looked back down and a soft smile came across his face, he couldn't deny he liked you a little more then he probably should. You on the other hand had fantasized kissing him on those soft plump lips of his. You looked up once more at Starscream with the softest kindest, caring face you had ever gave anyone. Starscream looked down blushing. This was a silent conversation not either of you were willing to speak up, and tell each other the love you both shared for one another. He always would stare at your lips wondering if they were really good, if they had a flavor, what they would feel like on his. You both went on eating in silence even more so since you had nothing to really talk about.

You walked to your shared motel room, walking in and closing the door Starscream turned towards you breathing in ready to confess, but you spoke up first, your back to Sam. "Starscream~" he whispered in a husky voice. Starscream shivered loving the way you had said his nickname. "Yeah." He barely whispered. "I need to tell you something, and don't freak out." You said just as soft as Starscream's voice. "Okay." Starscream nodded as his brain went off. 'Oh shit! Oh god don't tell me their ditching me. Please.' he thought on the verge of tears. "I..." You turned to see a tear slip down Starscream's face. You walked forward wiping the tear away and cupping Starscream's face. "Starscream... I love you.... More then you kno- Mhh!" Before you could finish Starscream dipped his head and kissed you, grasping your hips and pulling you closer. It was sweet, but demanding. You moaned into the kiss as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Starscream nipped your bottom lip which you happily gave him entrance to. Your tongues fought for dominance until Starscream won. You moaned once more feeling his tongue caress your and twist into each other. You both slowly pulled away panting. "I love you too, (y/n)." Starscream said kissing cheek softly.

(P.S. if you guys are wondering why it take me forever to make these; I have ADHD I'm a combination type (the third type) so I'm both hyper-active, and easily distracted, sometimes random angry outburst for no reason which brings in the fact I have no control over my impulses.

If you don't know what ADHD stands for ->

Attention deficit/hyper-activity disorder.

First type: Inattentive

Second type: Hyperactivity-impulsive

Third type: Combination

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