The meeting. ✅

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Prediking x m!predacon. Part 1.

You were the newest created Predacon, for all you knew you were the only Predacon. You weren't sure. You're creator, Shockwave didn't tell you much, he didn't tell you much of anything as you couldn't communicate with him and ask him questions. Most days he didn't even come see you in his lab, you weren't too sure as to why that would be. So you patiently sat in your cage waiting. You drew on the cage floor with you're claws. Drawing what you could see within the lab. You're cage was full of drawings by the time Shockwave came back. You're talons sharp from scrapping across the metal of your cage. You heard the door to the lab open and there stood Shockwave with three other Predacons. You were shocked, you jumped up from your spot bonking your helm on the roof of the cage.
"This way Predaking." Shockwave said as the three Predacons transformed and followed him. The one who was biggest you assumed was Predaking. Shockwave seemed pretty beat up. You studied him closely, noticing his optics was cracked slightly. You adverted your optics back to the three Predacons amazed they were able to transform. The four of them walked to your small cage. The biggest Predacon walked to your small cage, opening it. He growled at your creator.
"You've kept him in such a small cage this whole time." He snapped at Shockwave. Shockwave trembled under the Predacon's glare.
"Can you transformer?" He asked you, turning his gaze back to you. You chuffed and whinnied trying to tell him you don't know how to.
"It's okay, think of your gears shifting and changing into a new shape." He told you softly. You looked behind him to see Shockwave trying to sneak away. The other two transformed and tackling him to the ground, snarling at him. You whinnied towards your creator.
"Don't mind him, you shouldn't care for him." The Predacon swiftly said.
"Just transform." You chuffed and the tried. Two more attempts and you were finally able to transform. The Predacon reached out to you with his servo. You took it cautiously and he helped you up and out of the cage.
"My name is Predaking and we're taking you home." He said giving you a fangy grin.
"I'm (y/n)." You said softly.

To Be Continued

Hello Snickerdoodles, Rain here. I'd like to give you a tad update encase some of you reading this aren't following me and keeping up to date.
My graduation will be here on May 22nd. After that I should be able to get a few more chapters out. Once I'm able to start commissions and get a few things organized around, I'll start getting the money to buy a laptop or computer in order to write more, maybe even steam more.
So chapters will still probably be coming out slow until then as I can't use my school chromo book to write these.
Also small update on book covers. You'll notice that the book cover changed from fanart to actually pictured from movies, comics, and tv shows. That's because I no longer want to be using other peoples arts for my books. Book cover for "Cocky Glitch, but I'm One too." Has also changed as well.
I hope you're all doing alright and have a good day.

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