SG Megatron×C!Reader √

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¶¶ FLUFF¶¶

You came back from yet another mission empty servo while leaking energon. You had to go by yourself seeing as you were the only one in the base in order to do so. The Autobots had gotten their servos on yet another relic. Your frame ached and tweaked. You had been holding back all emotions, all your tears, all the sobs that had never left your vocalizer. You felt your optics tear up, and a knot in your voice box. You fell to your peds struts as no one was in the base and let out a sob. Your optics leaked as you released your pent up emotions. What you didn't know was that you weren't alone in the base.
Megatron walked towards the spark breaking sobs, his spark pang painfully at the noise. He walked into the main area and stopped in surprise of what he saw. He never saw you show your emotions like this, this was a complete first for him. He walked towards you and swept you into his arms hugging you close. You wrapped your arms around his neckcables as you sobbed into one side. He picked you up and took you to his brethroom. He sat down and had you in his lap on his breth. You sobbed and cried out every last emotion until you finally stopped crying and laid comfortably on Megatron listening to his spark.
"I'm sorry." You whispered to him rubbing away the last traces of your tears. He grasped your chin softly, but firm in order to get you to look at him.
"There is nothing to be sorry about, I am always here for you if you need me (y/n). I'll be your shoulder to cry on when you need too." He said softly. You blinked slowly registrating what he had just said.
"T-thank you Megatron." You stuttered while glancing away a blush covering your face plate.
"No need to thank me, (y/n)." He said softly you looked up into his beautifully blue optics and suddenly his dermas were on yours. It was warm, gentle, and sweet. He pulled away and you smiled up at him, he smiled back and it sent your spark fluttering.
"I haven't told you this, but I love you (y/n)." He said softly watching you closely. Your smile grew bigger and your blush darker.
"I love you too Megs." You said making him laugh at the nickname before kissing you again.

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