Tfp Optimus x N!Autobot fluff

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Tw; centered around religious trauma. And may touch on touchy topics of religious trauma, death, anger, etc. Please proceed with caution.
Started 01/16/2022
Ended 01/17/2022
Word count 1227

You starred at yourself in the memory in the new base. You didn't understand why you were still alive, but you were. Every fiber of your being screamed saying you should of died, not Optimus. You should of offered to take his place. You touch your face plate as you felt coolent run down. You looked down at your digits rubbing them together watching as the blue of your tears smudge across the tip of them. You raised your helm to look back at yourself. You hated yourself, who you were, those tear streaked face plates made you anger. Before you knew it the mirror was shattered and your servo was bleeding, you were screaming; howling with rage at yourself and god forsaken Primus. Who was he to create you, allow such pain, such torment to his children he said he loved so much. If anyone heard you, they'd think your being torchered by cons, but no it was your mind and spark torching itself. 
"Why!?" You screamed at the top of your vents as you pounded your servos shattering the mirror into a thousand pieces, you stopped starring as the glass fell around you and onto the floor. You were tired of the war, of the death, of Primus not doing his fragging job. You were so angry. Primus could of stopped all this, but he didn't even lift a digit. He could of saved your friends, your family, and the one you loved so much. But he did none of that he left you and your kind to struggle to fight; as the humans call it, fight tooth and nail to not just survive, but make sure evil didn't win. You couldn't even be selfish cause of this war. You had to sacrifice and sacrifice; and for what? No thanks, no help, and to have your mental health go to scrape. You fell to the ground crying out your spark. You couldn't do this anymore. You picked up your date pad and your dagger, the one Optimus had given to you a week after you had first met. You'd known him as long as Ratchet, you had watch him become Optimus. You were always there encouraging him, backing him up, watching his back, and you couldn't save him. You were filled with anger, you looked at the mirror, the last piece hanging their by the smallest edge, trying to stay. Your optics were flashing from blue to red and back again. You wrote "I'm sorry, I can't do this without him." You tossed the tablet on your desk, clenching the dagger in your servo, you took one more look in the mirror to look at your rage filled face plate. As you turned to the door and left, your optics turned red. You left the base to join the fight.

As you pulled up to the fight you saw it had just began. You revved your engine and took off full speed at a vechicon, as you got close you transformed jumping and slamming your knee into it. You rolled away, taking out your dagger. The vechicon got back up starring at you. You snarled and lunged at it, swinging with your dagger. The vechicon jumped back in surprise. You swung around your dagger sinking into the vechicon that was trying to sneak up on you. This only pissed you off more. You howled out a deep war cry as you sunk your dagger into the other vechicon's shoulder and tore it through clean making it lose its arm. It fell back activating its blaster. You ducked under its gun shots and stabbed into the side of its helm, killing it. You turned your helm to gaze at the castle, you looked at the top seeing where Megatron's throne room was, you were coming for him.

You fought your way all the way to the top. You had small wounds and scrapes all over your frame. You walked into Megatron's throne room seeing he had Magnus pinned down. You gave a loud snarl, that came from the depths of your chassis. You jumped, digging your dagger into his back plates, he shouted in anger grabbing your servo and pulling the dagger out, he threw you at the wall. Magnus looked at you in surprise then dismay.
"(Y/n) no..." he crooked out straining to get up only for Megatron to stomp down on his back. He laughed looked down at you.
"You would make a great Decepticon, (y/n). Why don't you join us?" Megatron asked you extending his servo to you.
"In your dreams." You growled, getting up. You charged him, not listening to Magnus yells to stop. Megatron grabbed you by your neck lifting you up as you tried to swing your dagger at him. He starred at you in amusement.
"The blade Optimus gave you." He chuckled, shaking his helm.
"I see now." He tore the blade from your servos throwing it on the ground as he gripped your neck tighter. Your servos gripped his arm clawing at it. You gasped softly, seeing specks in your vision. You tried kicking him and failed, you felt a sharp blistering hot white pain going through your stomach, warm goo oozing down to your pets. You heard Magnus begging as Megatron let go of your throat, you fell to your knees looking down to see Megatron's blade still there, you looked up at him as he smirked down at you. His expression changed when you have a soft smile. At least you'll be with Optimus now, was all you could think. The war inside you, the pain and torment settled down with this one simple thought. You heard Starscream say something, but all you could hear was the ringing. You saw Megatron turn his helm to look at something, you were just going through the motions at this point. You slowly turned your helm as your vision blurred, a speck was coming from the distance. Megatron's blade pulled out making your frame slam on the ground. You felt Magnus touch one your servos, you could hear his voice, but couldn't make out what he was saying. You honestly couldn't care anymore, you were at peace and ready to die. You it your optics shut. You felt a rough yank on your servo. You opened your optics looking at the blurry figure of Magnus. You heard a fight going on or at least what you thought might be a fight. You looked over to the pedsteps you were hearing. Your vision became clear enoughn to see a buffer Optimus drop to his knees beside you, in your puddle of energon. Tears sprang to your optics as Optimus pulled you into his lap, he was looking down at you with such an expression of dismay. Tears fell down your face plate as you shakily touched his face plate. You couldn't make outf what he said as you blacked out. The next time you came to you felt so much pain as you saw Ratchet working on you in a hurry with help from someone and you black out again.

Should there be a part 2?

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