Tfp Optimus X f!frightened Con

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Started 01/16/2022.

Ended 04/12/2022.

Words 1464.

You were small for a con, you were mainly just Knockout's new assistant. You were easily frightened and some of the cons took great pride in scarring you. You were helping Knockout in fixing up Starscream again, while you were kneeling on the breth to buff out the scratches on his shoulder, you hadn't noticed Starscream raising his other servo to strike you out of anger for how slow you were to fix him. You gasped as Knockout caught his servo, protecting you like he was your older brother. Your optics were wide as you stared up at the two mechs. 

"Don't try to strike (y/n) again or I will make sure Lord Megatron never lets you walk." He threatened, his optics were a dark menacing red, and his dermas were pressed into an angry scowl. Starscream ripped his servo away from Knockout, he got up with a huff and walked out of the medbay mumbling.

A few hours later you were called to the throne room, you walked in with a worried expression. Megatron turned around to face you and a chuckle came from him as he caught a glimpse of your faceplate. 

"No need to be worried (y/n), I have a mission for you." He said. You perked at this.

"What is it?" You asked. By then Megatron was already turned back around busy. You sighed yet again worried, you walked over to Soundwave's ground bridge where he handed you a datapad. You grabbed it and walked through the blue and green swirl. 

You came out seeing a mine filled with carts, drills, and most importantly Energon, lots of it. You clutched the datapad in both servos, it being almost twice the size of both your servos. You were nervous until you heard Starscream's chuckle from behind you. You turned only to be met with the back of his servo. Your cheek stung and felt already swollen, you could taste the Energon from your dermas bitting your glossa from the impact.

"Now that, that is out of the way." He chuckled, glaring with a smirk down at you.

"Go inventory the Energon that's been mined and the ones that haven't." He said looking away with a shooing motion.

You walked away; the datapad cradled in one arm and your other servo rubbing your very bright blue and swollen cheek. Tears welled up in your optics threatening to pour down your cheeks. You continued on your walk of the mine trying to forget the stinging in your cheek and do inventory. Your processor was overthinking why Starscream hated you so much. You just couldn't understand it. You sighed glancing down the cave's tunnel to see it dip further down, you whimpered in fear and looked around to see if maybe St3v3 was around to help you. Not a single Vechicon that would help you were around. You gulped and continued walking downwards further into the mines.

It had been a little too quiet for a while, you thought about it and decided to turn back to make sure everything was okay. When you got closer to where everyone is, you could hear fighting, not gunfire, but servos striking bodies. You just hoped the Vechicons weren't fighting each other again over something stupid. You came over the peak of the downward slope and instantly slid behind a crystal. You peaked out and there in all his glory was Optimus Prime. You're dermas gapped open as he fought several Vechicons at once, killing each one. Your optics were wide in surprise at the fact you heard of Prime's skills but had never seen them for yourself. His team was just (maybe not as) good as him. Your optics were fixed on Prime, the way his fighting was so mesmerizing. All of a sudden the fighting was over and you were kicked in the faceplate. You rolled backwards down the cave seeing small blue peds running after you, somewhere along the way you had lost ahold of the datapad. You hit the bottom rough, you coughed as your chassis had hit a sharp rock on the way down. You slowly got your peds and servos under you as you coughed some Energon up. Only to be kicked by the same blue peds in the chassis. You fell to the floor.

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