Alone [Ironhide] √

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You gushed to your friend Bumblebee about him.
Who you....
Was your friend...

Your cheek plates darkened into the darkest blue blush anyone saw. Everyone laughed at you for even thinking about liking him.
You cut yourself off from Bee your only friend. You spent a lot of time alone. Making sure to keep yourself far from others.

Then he saw you...

The stinging that came after getting punched in the face plate wasn't as painful as being pinned down, the crushing weight of the femme on your frame as you tried kicking her off, your servos to busy blocking hers.
Then your arms gave out. You were weaker than others. More flawed than others. Everyone hated you.

You were alone..

You felt your audio receptors ringing from the femme grasping your helm, slamming the back of your helm as hard as she could on the floor.
You felt kicks to your chassis.
You felt things breaking.
You finally gave up.
You being too tired and weak to fight back any longer.
Your optics closed and you were brought into a dark, deep unconsciousness.
Thinking that it was the end.

You woke up in a medbay. A medic hovering off to the side seeming to be doing a check. You looked to your right servo, it felt too heavy. There he was. He had his servo on top of yours. He was deep in recharge, his handsome face plates relaxed for a change.
"Ironhide?" You softly questioned, confused as to why he was here with you. He hummed softly before opening his optics. Looking around the room they finally landed on you.
"Your awake." He vented in relief, sitting up, and smiling at you.
"I'm glad your okay." He said shaking his helm as his free servo softly touched your face plate, you felt a sting and hissed.
"Sorry." He said clearly being honest.

"You're lucky to be alive..."

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