Optimus×Megatron √

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Slight fluff~ a little lewd.

Optimus almost always slept soundly beside his sparkmate every night. His servos would shift into swords sometimes when the nightmares came, bad memories always going to be burned into his processors, his servos would even grasp the bed sheets as he whimpered from nightmares, but Megatron always helped him through that. Megatron knowing it was his fault that his mate was like this. He had caused a war that was not needed.

In the morning Megatron slipped out silently to allow Optimus more sleep since he seemed so tired all the time. Probably because of the nightmares. Megatron mentally bashed himself for being such an idiot for such a long time.

Optimus woke in the afternoon, he glanced around his surrounding trying to look for his mate. He shook his helm upon realizing it was late in the day and his mate was out working. Optimus shivered at the coldness of a breth with only himself in it, his frame heated as he realized why he had taken off today, it was his heat cycle. Of course it was clumsy of him to forget, but he at least got the sleep he needed. Optimus' fans kicked on as he became very uncomfortable. He got up stumbling to the wash racks biting his bottom derma as he gripped the doors frame. His frame shook slightly, he blushed upon seeing his codpiece having a bulge. He turned on the oil to extremely cold trying to stop his frame from over the way it was.

Megatron walked back in from a hard day's work wondering if Optimus was okay, since he had been a sleep the last he checked up on him. He heard the wash racks running, a soft moan floated across their dwelling. Megatron walked over peeking in to see his Prime trying to cool down. He walked up behind Optimus wrapping his arms around his waist.

"You okay?" He asked softly into Optimus' audio receptor.

"Yeah, I'm just on my heat is all." Optimus huffed out his helm on the wall.

"Why don't we go lay down?" Megatron asked his mate who nodded and then leaned back into him softly groaning. Megatron softly chuckled nuzzling his neck cables. He slowly let go of Optimus and grabbed towels as Optimus turned off the wash racks, Optimus allowed Megatron to dry him off then pick him up and take him to their brethroom.

Megatron placed him carefully on their breth and climbed in with him. Optimus put his helm on Megatron's chassis. Megatron rubbed circles on Optimus' back strut gaining him a soft purr from his engine. Before long Optimus fell back asleep. Megatron softly kissed the top of his helm.

"I love you, I will forever love you, and I shall never hurt you ever again, no matter reason, no matter cause, no matter what. I'm sorry." Megatron whispered.

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