Sick {Ratchet×C!Reader}√

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Let just say it was pretty awkward you had to watch Ratchet..... Yeah, but he's a sparkling. So right now he rest in your arms sleeping. Why did Que have to make that device? Though you would never look at Ratchet the same after he is back to not being a sparkling. Ratchet would cry and holler if you left the med bay with him which of course the soldiers would then look at you, in which you hate attention. So you quietly walked back into the med bay. You just wanted to go to your room so humans, and bots wouldn't look at you. You rocket Ratchet in your arms sitting in a corner of the med bay in complete darkness the only light in the shadow was yours and tired little Ratchet's optics. When he finally fell asleep you grabbed a few bottle for Ratchet swiftly going into your room with a Ratchet snuggled into your chassis. You put the bottles on your desk soon sitting on your berth after closing the door. You laid Ratchet close to the wall and you laid close to the edge protecting him from getting hurt. Your optics closed as you went into recharge without noticing it.

You couldn't move you struggled in the liquid darkness fear over coming any sense that you had left. You heard a voice cooing at you trying to make you relax...

You awoke slowly to find arms around you... Ratchet's arms. You look up and he was no longer a sparkling now you had a full grown Ratchet in you berth and you blushed looking away...

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