Taken in Heat ∆

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Strongarm x Bumblebee

Strongarm shuddered at the feeling she rarely got. She kept fit this reason was one of many. She could feel it growing. Tingling and heating in between her peds. She groaned. She wasn't doing anything today. She was staying in her breth room. No beat downs for her, no thank you. The feeling intensified. She sat on her breth trying to get a hold of her emotions. A breathy moan escaped her dermas as cold air hit her exposed port while thinking of simply kissing Lieutenant Bumblebee. She moaned his name as she began exploring her own frame. Her processor through up dirty images she would dare think in his presence.

Bumblebee walked to Strongarm's door worried about her as she hadn't shown for mission. He raised his servo to knock only for the door to slide open, the wash rack was going and door was slightly cracked. His curiosity grew as he shut the door behind him and made his way to Strongarm's wash rack door. He opened it to see a flustered Strongarm pumping her digits in and out of her port while soaking underneath a warm stream. Strongarm moaned her body shivering, giving an exotic show to Bumblebee as she overloaded on her digits calling his name. Bumblebee slowly walked up behind her placing a digit to her entrance.
"Why didn't you just ask for help?" He purred kissing her neck cables. His digits rubbing the outside of her port.
"Lieutenant Bumblebee." She moaned, turning around and facing him.
"Yes." He purred grasping her chin.
"Please, help me." She begged. Bumblebee swiftly kissed her as his cod piece slide away, his spike springing out throbbing, hard. He lifted one her peds around his waist as he slide himself in.
"You feel amazing." He purred against her neck as he thrusted into her.
"Harder Bumblebee." She cried as he pinned her wrist above her helm.
"Beg for me." He said thrusting slowly.
"Please, frag me harder Bumblebee!" She begged. Bumblebee roughly thrusted into her before thrusting faster and harder. He adjust himself, angling and hitting her spot over and over again.
"Oh, frag Bumblebee, I'm so close." She moaned as he pushed her against the wall, throwing her peds around his waist. Kissing her deeply as they overloaded together. They pulled away breathing heavily as they touched forehelms.
"That was amazing." They breathed out at the same time.

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