Hurt (Optimus×M!Reader)∆

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(Mech Reader!)

Primus you had to emit Optimus sure had a nice fragging frame. What would it fell like on or under yours? You question to yourself stop thinking dirty (y/n). You scold yourself as you felt your spark tug. Primus knows how much you want Optimus, but that seem to hurt even more when you where in the Arctic. Optimus held Arcee's servo you wanted that to be you as they seem to show each others feelings. You no longer felt cold just empty broken, would it be alright to just let yourself slip away or cry the last of your energy out and sleep for eternity, but what would that put your brother Ratchet through you couldn't do that to him. You noticed the ground bridge showed up and you limped towards it as you felt one of your knee struts brake the energon there freezes up making it difficult to walk, but you were glad because it didn't hurt. You stopped as you saw Bulkhead run through the ground bridge scraplets behind him you just stood there as they tinked against your armor softly and you started walking to Bulkhead giving him a servo. He was your best friend and he could clearly see you were upset so he took it hoping it make you feel better only a tiny bit. When you came into base Ratchet seem to know to leave you alone so you went to your room without anyone noticing you. You softly closed the door your spark hurt it thrummed in pain you cried your spark out once you were in your wash racks up against the door.~no ones point of view with others~They all laid on something as the kids checked them.

"Hey anyone seen (y/n)?" Bulkhead asked. Ratchet looked down.

"What is it Ratchet?" Optimus asked softly.

"In his room... He needs some time away from the rest of us." Ratchet said looking down the hall to the berth rooms Miko raced down with a cup then came back really fast.

"He sobbing like his heart's been broken or spark. Why?" Miko asked Ratchet softly hummed the only response that came from him

~time skip brought to you by fat fluffy Megatron kitty!~your point of view:When everyone was better Ratchet had checked on you he gave you some energon and fixed your knee strut in which hurt like scrap by now as it leaked energon. You sat on your wash racks floor you hadn't turned on the shower you decided against it till Ratchet fixed you up. When he left you closed the doors and taking your armour off letting the shower to start, nice and warm tears streaming your face, soft sobs escaped your in takes ever so often. You let the hot shower caress your body in the warmth you'd never get from Optimus. When you looked towards the door you saw Optimus standing there blushing his mouth slightly opened. You shackle walked over and out of your warmth that felt nice compared to Optimus's cold shoulder.

"What do you want?" You asked with a hiss of venom.

"I-I am sorry d-did I do something wrong?" He asked you turned away only to hear soft sigh then feel arms snake around you hugging you from behind. You blush.

"(Y/s/nn){your special nickname} please tell me." He said softly his warm breathe hitting against your cold wet neck cables.

"Y-you love A-Arcee." You said holding back hiccups from your sobs another tear fell. He turned you around.

"Is that what this is about oh (y/s/nn)..." He sighed.

"I've always had my optics on you." He said softly kissing you passionately. You kissed back a moan coming through the kiss as his armour rubbed up against your spike. He pulled away looking down to see your spike erected pre-overload dripping. He smiled shutting the bathroom door as you eagerly took his armour off your glossa running over his frame ever so often to get a moan from him. When you where done taking off his armour you gripped his spike softly teasing it with your servo. He groaned you looked into his optics only to see lust as he captured your lips. You kissed back moving your lips together in sync he licked your bottom lip asking for entrance you denied making him growl. That sexy growl sending you shivering. He picked you up pushing you against the wall you wrapped your peds around him feeling his spike against your portwell. You moaned in which he shoved his glossa in as you fought for dominance as a prime he had won of course. You felt a digit slither into your port making you moan. Your digits scratched his back strut making him groan which was right in your left audio receptor. You felt another digit slip in scissoring you to fit his size. He pulled out leaving you wanting more in which he shoved his spike in to the hilt causing your digits to dig in more and you gasp in pain. A tear slipped down your face, he licked the tear away whispering sweet nothings you slightly moved with a moan in which he started thrusting slowly.

"Mmmm Opti faster." You moaned as he went faster hitting your g-spot after braking your seal. You moved slightly with him causing him to go faster and to cause more friction as you both were a panting moaning mess as his pace got sloppy.

"Opti I'm gonna-me too" he grunted as you overloaded around him. Screaming his name soon after he overloaded in you grunting once more he placed his fore helm against yours as you stayed there panting. He slowly got up holding you. You snuggled against his chassis as he turned off the shower and laid you on the berth getting in with you. You instantly pulled yourself to him laying your helm on his chassis as you fell asleep. He chuckled covering both of you as he soon followed you to the sweet dark abyss of sleep.

"I love you (y/n) your mine and I'm yours."

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