Boulder x NB!Human ✅

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Boulder x Non-binary Human.

You lived in Griffen Rock, a island off the coast of Maine filled with advanced technology and home to the Rescue Bots.
The Rescue Bots were both your friends and family. Heatwave was like an older overprotective hotheaded brother.
With Boulder it was different, he made your stomach flutter and your cheeks flush.
You fidgeted as Boulder approached you, he seemed to be fidgeting just as much as you were. He cleared his voice box as he looked from the floor to you.
"Uh, hi." He started out awkwardly.
"Hi," you smiled, flushing. He smiled back at you, loving how adorable you seemed all shy.
"Would you like to join me on a walk of the Park?" He asked you softly. Your smile grew as you quickly nodded. He transformed into his alt form, a bull dozer, allowing you to climb into seat. He started driving, you looked out the window excitedly as though you were a little kid again. He couldn't help, but chuckled, thankful you hadn't heard him. You gave a confused face as he went passed the park.
'Where is he taking me?' You asked yourself. You shook your head and went back to looking at the view. You kept quiet until Boulder stopped in a meadow in Griffen Rock's national park. The meadow was full of your favorite flowers. You hopped out, excited by the beautiful view. You turned around and looked at Boulder, a big grin finding its way on your face. You ran too him and hugged him, well his ped at least.
"Thank you!" You bursted out. He smiled warmly at your excitement.
"(Y/n)" He started out softly and nervously before picking you up.
"You know we've known each other for a while now, we've grown close. I've actually grown fawn of you." He paused. You set your hand softly on his face. He smiled and continued.
"I love you, (Y/n)." He confessed.
"I love you too, Boulder." You leaned in and kissed his cheek.

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