Date? √

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Optimus x C!Reader

He was going to take you somewhere special. That's all he had said. You kept glancing at the time while polishing your armor. You wanted to look your best for him. You buffed yourself adding extra polish in certain places.
You looked at your mirror seeing yourself sparkle from your rooms light hitting your armor perfectly. The knock on your door signaled that he was there. You opened the door and watched as his optics widened.
"You look... Breathtaking." He finished after dragging his optics over your frame.
"You're not to bad yourself." You giggled winking at him. You noticed he was holding a metal like basket. You looked at him confused.
"We're going on a date, correct?" He asked. You nodded and took the servo he offered you. You guys walked out of the base through a groundbridge. You walked out onto a plush hill full of flowers. You smiled at the beauty and smell of the flowers.
He put a blanket down putting the basket to a corner. You looked up seeing a driver in movie theater. You sat close to Optimus feeling him wrap his arms around your shoulders. You smiled at him which he returned. Before the movie started he got some energon treats out. Bread like energon that he cut in half. You took your half.
"Thank you, Prime." You said taking a bite.
"Call me Optimus, (y/n)." He smiled as he took a bite of his.
You both went silent as the movie started, half way through he fished out more energon for the two of you. You graciously took it.
By the end of the movie you were cuddled into Optimus' chassis. Happy and content, not wanting to move or go anywhere. You sighed happily snuggling closer. He chuckled before lifting your chin up and kissing you softly.
"I love you, (y/n)." He spoke just as soft as his kiss was. You blushed, your smile growing into a grin.
"I love you too Optimus..." You trailed off thinking.
"And thank you, for this wonderful date I mean." He chuckled as you stuttered slightly. He got up offering you a servo. You smiled and took it looking down as you did.
"Time to go back." He sighed. You nodded as he gathered everything you two had brought. He held out his servo and you took it once again.
You smiled as you walked to your room.
"Thank you, again." You said as you turned your back on your door looking up at the tall Prime.
"Of course. Anything for you." He caressed your cheek plate before kissing you again.
"Goodnight (y/n)." You muttered it back before going inside your brethroom. You sighed sliding down the closed door. You were simply lovestruck.

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