Doctor's Lust [Knockout]∆

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2. TFP Knockout x Seeker Femme Reader x Breakdown lemon

"Time for work." You huffed rubbing your hands on your thighs as your heat flared in your tank. You softly whimpered. You sighed shaking your head. 'It be unacceptable if I don't show up.' You told yourself. You made sure your frame looked decent, checking your wings to make sure you had no tension in them.

You walked down the hall past vechicons who stared after you. You didn't show it, but you were afraid of all the mechs on board the Nemesis, though you wouldn't mind being fragged senseless by Knockout or even Breakdown. You groaned at the thought making you feel hot and dirty. You walked in to see Breakdown back which you licked your dermas as you optic raped his aft. He turned around in which you snapped your helm up to see his face plate, a small blush covering yours.

"Like what you see?" He smirked as he slightly held back the urge to take you. You stood awkwardly staring at Breakdown, you didn't notice Knockout behind you until you heard the click of the door locking. You whipped around coming faceplate to chassis with Knockout you slowly looked up to see Knockout's smirking face plate.

"Oh little (y/n) you've been so naughty lately." He said grabbing your chin roughly making you look at him closer. He crashed his dermas against yours, his free servo sliding down your side, down to your hip and resting there. You felt your backstrut being pressed into by a chassis.
"We've been watching you very closely." Breakdown softly growled against your audio receptor. Before you knew it your were on the medbays breth down your chassis. You mewled out as Knockout grasped your hips tightly.
"We'll show you a good time." He whispers as his servo roughly dragged down you inner ped. You let out another mewl, but it was ended swiftly by Breakdown's pressurized spike. Your glossa slipped over his tip cause him to groan. He grabbed the back of your helm and being thrusting into your mouth rough as Knockout was coaxing your cod piece open. It didn't take much for it to snap open and reveal your soaking wet portwell. He thrusted a digit in you as Breakdown came in your derma making you swallow all of it. Breakdown pulled out your mouth and you let out a loud scream/moan of pleasure and pain as Knockout slammed into you. He was rough slamming into you as fast as he could as hard as he could. Your overload came and went then you were into another one finally your port milking Knockout's spike, he pulled out and Breakdown picked your sleepy form up a he sat on the breath. Your peds were a mess as your port leaked both yours and Knockout's cum. He slid you slowly down onto his spike making you moan softly. Breakdown was a little more gentle then Knockout at first, but soon he was driving into you faster and harder than Knockout did making you come down on his spike and bounce. You lost track of how many times your overload hit, but now you felt like a mindless moaning mess as Breakdown continued with his firm movements making you ride him. Your glossa was sticking out before you knew it Breakdown slammed one last time hard into you before he overloaded emptying what seemed like buckets full into you. It felt warm and slick and your port clamped down on his spike as it tried milking him for more as you overloaded yourself. He groaned softly into your neckcables before slipping out of you. You passed out hard. Oh boy was your aft going to hurt in the morning.

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