A Little Bulky Breakfast√

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Human. Bulkhead x Reader.
Master/pet. Your nickname puppy. Sort of 3rd pov. Only slightly lewd.

You were making a surprise Valentine's breakfast for Bulkhead; he was still in his bed sleeping so you took this as the perfect opportunity to give back.

Bulkhead walked into the kitchen seeing you, his cute tiny puppy cooking, in his eyes it was completely and utterly adorable, even more so when streaks of flour were on your face as you hummed almost bouncing in place with the song that came from the built in wall speakers. Bulkhead loved this, he loved seeing you like this all happy. He made his way around the island to you swiftly wrapping his arms around your waist from behind leaning slightly on you. You pushed your back up against his stomach, a small adorable moan made its way out from between your lips. You looked up at Bulkhead smiling sweety.
"I'm making breakfast for you, master." You looked away with a blushing when he smiled down at you. He kissed your right shoulder blade making another small adorable moan come from you as you placed the last pancake on a plate of others. You made sure to shut off the stove before turning in Bulkhead's arms, looking up at him. He chuckled at you placing kisses along your collar bone causing you to shiver, you felt a electric flare of pleasure go up your spine. You gripped the hem of his sweat pants pulling him closer. Bulkhead kissed your jaw line slowly trailing kisses up towards your lips before softly locking his lips over yours. You made a happy cat like noise in your chest before kissing back. Bulkhead picked you up turning and sitting you on the island. He kissed you again, with such demand that you gasped. He stuck his tongue in your mouth exploring it tasting the mint toothpaste. You wrapped your legs around his waist, your fingers running through his hair before grasping fist fulls as he laid his hand on your lower back. You shivered once more feeling his hand moving over your lower back, he softly rubbed a spot on your lower back earning him a moan from you as you pulled closer shovering your face into the crook of his neck moaning softly. He chuckled softly and hugged you.
"Thanks for making me breakfast pup and happy Valentine's day, I love you." He kissed your forehead as he set you down again.
"I love you too. And your welcome." You whispered blushing as you looked at the floor with a slight grin.

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