Holoforms+Babies (Starscream×H!Reader)∆

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1. TFP Holoform Starscream x Human Female Reader lemon

((Sorry it took me forever to actually do this idea.))

Warning: Lemons ahead. Might be some DDLG

(Y/n) and Starscream had been sparkmates/married for a while by then, the seeker and human had been trying for children for maybe a couple months. It wasn't working as well as they would have liked.

(Y/n) sat on the couch reading your favorite book, you were waiting for Starscream to get home. You missed him every time he had to go Megatron's call. You sometimes hated it. The random calls for Starscream to come at his every command. You sighed knowing you weren't going to get your book finished seeing as your mind was on other matters at the moment. You wanted children, so did Starscream so far no success. But you guys still loved each other no matter what. You were giving both your bodies a breather, but you both couldn't deny that you wanted to touch each. In every single possible way.

You got an idea. Since it had been a while...

You were cuddled up underneath the bed covers waiting for Starscream. He had called in saying that Megatron was forcing him on a late night mission. You fell asleep while waiting on him.

The squeaking of the front door didn't wake you, nor the loud sounded it made when it crashed and locked back into it's frame. The creaking of the floor boards getting closer as someone walked towards your room made you slightly aware, but only in your deep dreams. Before you had time to react someone was kissing all over your face and neck. Whispering,hoping, waiting for you to wake up.

You blinked your blurry vision away turning to Starscream who happily looked at you, even if he seemed tired he was in a good mood. You smiled up at him and he instantly claimed your lips. Your body lit up in firey passion, you becoming more wet the more your lips touched each others. He pulled away to allow you to breath which only put you in a slight daze. You swallowed breathing heavily before moaning out as he attacked your sweet spot on your neck. You hands instantly tangled into the hairs of his holoform. Starscream was swift to taking off your clothes as you did his.

'God damn he's sexy.' You thought as you kissed down his skinny, but slight muscular tan skin. Trailing his down until you met his happy trail leading you further down past his belly button. You took your time with his hips allowing your hands to grasp his legs and slide up before dragging your nails back down in between. Your mouth softly touched his hips as he grasped your hair tightly with one fist. You brought your tongue to the base of his juicy throbbing cock. Pre cum already dripping down and onto your tongue. You moaned as you took his cock into your mouth slowly swirling and pressing your tongue against it. Starscream let out a muffled groan pushing you further onto his cock. You were now bobbing your head fast as he buckled his hips against your face. His thrust becoming sloppy. Before he could cum he pulled you away.

"Daddy wants you to ride him, baby." He smirked looking at you. You nodded grinning. You crawled on top him straddling his hips before slowly putting yourself down on his huge length. You both moaned in bliss at the feeling of being connected again. You both started rolling your hips in sync before long Starscream was power thrusting up into.

"Daddy, I'm gonna." You huffed out as he laid hickeys upon your neck. He growled flipping you guys over and pounding harshly into you. Your arms wrapping around his neck, your body arched, and your neck extended so that your head was tilted backward. You yelled his name as you came. You could feel him; inside you, twitching. You pulled his hair as you finished, he groaned out your name softly as he came inside you. His juice spilling out of you. He slowly pulled out making you whimper as he cuddled up to you. You buried your face into his chest as he held you softly cleaning you up.

"I love you so much (y/n)." He said as you fell asleep.


Starscream stood talking with Megatron before receiving a call.

"My lord I must take this." He said softly Megatron narrowing his optics at him. As soon as Starscream picked up.

"I'M PREGNANT." You yelled in his audio receptor. Starscream glitched falling over.

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