Dreadwing ∆

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You breathed in deeply before slowly letting it out. A small shiver went up your back strut as you patiently meditated. Someone was watching you and you knew exactly who.
"Dreadwing." You hummed. The door slide shut and locked behind him as he came into the room with you. His gaze stayed on you as he prowled closer, stalking like predator would do to pretty. You backed up into a wall right as he slammed his servos on either side of you and locked you in with a rough, hungry kiss.
Your vents matched each other as you separated for a small moment to get a big breath before kissing again. His servos mingled on your hips, pulling you closer only to grind on you. You gasped at the feeling of the bulge that was hidden behind his cod piece. Your dermas left his as you started kissing down his frame till your digits found his cod piece, unlatching it and throwing it aside. Your optics grew big at the sight of his large spike springing into your awaiting servo. You moaned at the sight of it before you wrapping your dermas around the head. You looked up at his face plate as he threw his helm back, his face plate showing pure bliss at the feeling of your warm wet derma slowly taking him in and making him feel amazing. Your wrapped a servo around the base as you worked on the head. Your audio receptors picked up the sexy rough moans that came from his parted dermas. His servo grasped the back of your helm pushing more of his spike in your derma. You moaned causing a vibration, he tilted his helm back and groaned loudly.
"I don't think I can handle your teasing anymore." He growled at you pulling off his spike, off the ground, and swiftly spun you around and pinned you against the wall. He spread your legs slightly as he leaned his into frame on yours. Your breast squished against the cold metal wall.
"I want to hear you say it." He growled rubbing his hard, wet spike against your aft.
"Dreadwing." You breathed out your frame trembling with excitement.
"I want you deep inside me." You said gazing at him over your shoulder as you bucked your aft against his spike. He growled, biting your neck as his servo slide down to your cod piece swiftly sliding it aside, dipping his digits in your warm, wet port.
"Such a good little one, already soaking wet and throbbing for me." He softly chuckled against your shoulder. Without warning he slammed into you making you squeak and tense up at the pain. Tears appeared in your optics, but didn't fall. He softly kissed your check plate before slowly bucking his hips into yours. Soon enough you were a moaning, tossing mess.
"More." You screamed as he slammed into you harder. His servos grasped your hips your ports fluids dripped down your beds as he slammed into you, pushing your hard breast into wall. The friction felt amazing to you, drool slipped out the corner of your mouth as you allowed yourself to slam back onto his spike. The faster he got the closer you felt.
"Dreadwing!" You screamed as you came, your port trying to grasp and milk Dreadwing of his lubricants, but he wasn't ready. He wrapped his arms around your stomach and slammed into you even harder. Your pants were getting heavier as you approached your second overload. It hit you hard, making your stomach and peds tingle, your vision blurred with black spots. He slammed one more time into you before he came into you full force. You both screamed at the same time. You both just stood their for a couple clicks. Him pinning you against the wall was the only way he was keeping you up. Your peds trembled your frame work out. You closed your optics and suddenly you were gone.
Dreadwing picked you up and laid down. With you on the bed whispering in your audio receptor that he loved you and would always protected you. You smiled in your sleep drifting in the warmth of your lover.

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