Sideswipe ∆

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Maybe you were into rebels. Maybe just a little or maybe it was the bad-boy act he put on, that made your engine roar and your frame tingle. His competitiveness made you slick with hunger, but you weren't going to tell him any of that. He didn't need to know your gross, toxic fantasies, especially if it would make him run from you. Then how would you calm the storm, that started in your tank and spread to your port.
You calmly watched another fight happen between Sideswipe and Strongarm. You sighed shaking your helm. Clearly he liked her much better than you. So you went to your brethroom to lay down and relax, after a warm shower.
You sighed laying on your breth, your armor was all off and on a little racket drying after being clean. You turned on your stomach closing your optics, your servo skimmed passed your stomach and in between your peds. You dipped a digit to rub against yourself, moaning.
"Need any help." A purr came from behind you as servos grasped your hips. You gasped looking behind you as Sideswipe slammed himself into you. You moaned loudly.
"Sideswipe-" he cut you off with a kiss.
"I love you (y/n), honestly you make my sword go on line." He winked. (Please don't kill me. XD)
You blushed, pouting.
"Just shut up and frag me." You snapped.
"Oh, someone's feisty. That just makes me want to frag your processors out even more." He growled slamming into you. His pace alone becoming faster and harder. Pounding your chassis into the breth.
"How's that for fragging." He panted, smirking as he hit your spot making you moan like crazy as his spike grinding against with each thrust.
"Sideswipe your going to make me-" he cut you off with a sharp thrust.
"Make you overload, that's what I'm aiming for. To see my precious little kitten come all over my hard spike." He smirked while dirty talking you. He slammed into you hard one last time as you overloaded together. You laid in his arms as you both were panting.
"So, (Y/n) will you be mine?" He asked kissing your fore helm sweetly. You nodded smiling up at him as he kissed you.

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