Secret √

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G1 Starscream × Autobot Femme Jet.
Fluff, if you guys want I can always add a second part which can be lemon. ;D

You fought him all the time. What changed now? What about Optimus hitting him with his weapon made your spark clench and your chassis drop. You were okay fighting him. It made you feel closer. Something no one else made you feel.
You checked his commlink number he had given to you months before injury, maybe you should finally comm him.
You snuck through the base finding your way out of the ship unnoticed. Not even the human companion, Sparkplug heard your soft, but heavy pedsteps. As soon as you were out on your favorite cliff looking at the stars did you comm him. It rang for what felt like an hour. Your vent caught as he picked up. A groggy, rough, almost sexy voice spoke.
::Yes?:: He asked seeming to have just woke up. You relaxed venting out.
::How are you?:: You asked softly. You felt close just by talking to him.
::(Y/n):: He whispered, amazed that you had decided to even comm him.
::Yep, that's my name.:: You laughed sitting back before becoming serious.
::I was worried about you.:: You told him. He smiled at the clear worry in your tone.
::Did you miss me?:: He asked smirking. His tone set to normal after finally waking up.
::Yeah... You?:: There was a small period of silence before he answered.
::Yeah, I missed you. I miss you in every way.:: He smiled as he heard you make a cute noise and imagined you blushing with a huge grin, your wings twitching out of happiness.
::Meet me on my cliff?:: You asked softly as you send him your location.
::Yes, I will.:: He said a smile in voice.
You heard pedsteps come quickly. You turned to look at Starscream as he sat. He looked at you a grin on his face plate.
"Will you date me?" He asked. Your wings fluttered in happiness.
"Yes!" You jumped into his arms eagerly almost knocking you two off the cliff.
"Sorry." You said as he grinned down at you.
"Its okay." He responded kissing your forehelm, cuddling you closely. You stayed until the darkness became dawn cuddled deep into his arms. You sighed in frustration.
"I want to stay." You said softly.
"Why don't you? Join the Decepticons." He offered.
"Im an Autobot. I fight for the freedom, justice, respect, and right of others." You said proudly. He hummed.
"Maybe one day we could both be Autobots." He said getting up, helping you.
"Maybe." You said kissing his cheek before leaving.

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