Ironhide×Ratchet (G1)√

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Ironhide was helping with another decepticon attack when he was shot so bad it fried his processors to the point is memory is locked themselves away. "Ironhide!!" Ratchet yelled at him ran to his side. Ironhide was unconscious as smoke came from his helm. Decepticons swiftly treated at Megatron's command. Ratchet then took Ironhide back to the Autobots base as soon as he could. Two weeks later Ironhide slowly woke to find Ratchet's servo locked around his as he slept. Ratchet had told everyone that he didn't know when Ironhide would awake and if he would be able to talk or remember anything. Ironhide tightened his servo around Ratchet's waking him up. Ratchet flung himself on top of Ironhide. "Don't worry me like that ever again." He whispered. Ironhide brought Ratchet's face up and softly kissed him passionately. Ratchet was very surprised to say the very least he would of never thought Ironhide would ever love the old grumpy medic. He kissed back slowly only to pull away after a few seconds. "You need to rest." He scolded Ironhide who pouted in return and stretched his arm out and pulled Ratchet to him. Ratchet's helm laid on his chassis his arm wrapped around his waist and their legs tangled together. "S-seep." He said Ratchet looked up. "Only if you will." He said softly Ironhide nodded as a they fell asleep cuddling each other as a certain bug (Bumblebee) took a picture holding in his laughter as Optimus had a hidden smile that was small behind his mask.

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