Tfp Megatron x N!Con Reader

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Started 01/21/2022 9:31pm
Ended 01/21/2022 10:22pm

You had become Megatron's sparkmate and ruled beside him. The Decepticons saw you as their Highness, their Royalty, their queen/king next to Megatron standing mighty and strengthening their army.
They would die for you. They worshipped the very ground you walked on. No. You weren't no Megatron or Optimus. You were more like a stern parent who wanted the best for their children. Except you were a stern royalty with very loyal subjects. They were just more loyal to Megatron out of fear. While they could come to you about their mistakes for you to teach them how to right them, Megatron would beat them. They would though surely follow you, if you were to go against Megatron and leave the Decepticon fraction. Megatron knew this. While his sanity was broken and morales were wrong, yours held firm. You had been sparkmates with Megatron even before the war started, while you were cruel; not often, but when you had to be, he was cruel constantly, not just in words, but in physical violence as well. And you had enough of being used as a punching bag behind closed door.
You stood on the bridge at the consoles. Alone, you started out patiently waiting for your love.
When Megatron came in he missed a step when he saw your stance it was a stance he had only seen when you were ready for battle, a confident, you knew you'd win the battle stance. And then it hit him, he wasn't easy to be made to crump to his knees, but this raging pain in his spark, hurt him a lot, he didn't understand at all. He heard your peds reps coming towards him and with each step was a wave of new pain he felt in his spark. You lifted his helm to make him stare you in the optics, there he could see your silent rage and pain. He knew this pain came from you in this instances, it was rare that he showed weaknesses, but at this time he showed his fear, he knew you could kill him if you wanted to in this moment especially with the war that was in your optics and spark. You let his face plate go as you turned your back, relinquishing your hold on the spark bond.
"This is the end of me being your punching bag, Megatron." You said as you looked back out the front of the ship.
"I'll leave, I'll make sure that, that feeling you felt is at its max and I'll severe our spark bond, you'll no longer have your sparkmate, more than half your Decepticon, and your enemy will have a strong Ally force. If you don't want that, then I will have the respect I deserve as your sparkmate, Megatron." You growled out the last part as a warning.
"You wouldn't do that." Megatron chuckled getting up, only to stumble to his knees as if bowing in front of you. The pain yet again in his spark and strapping  him to the ground.
"You want to bet Megatron. You are at my mercy now. If I'm your royalty and command the Decepticons beside you, then I shall receive my respect. You may have changed drastically during the war, I have to. I have dealt with your beatings." You said sharply as you turned to walk to him. Making sure he felt like he was feeling his beatings he had done to you.
"I've dealt with your manipulation, your warmongering, while being your loving sparkmate by your side. Waiting for my lover to see his destruction, his tyrant, his abuse, but I've waited too longer Megatron." You spat out as Megatron fell all the way to the ground. You ground your ped into the baxk of his neck. He began to try to fight you even though you were sapping all his strength through the spark bond.
"Now you either rise as my lover, leader of Decepticons or my enemy, leader of less than half the Decepticons, what will it be?" You asked as you took your ped off his back and stopped the spark bond once more. Megatron rose to kneel in front of you, taking your servo in his and kissing your knuckles. You smirked as your Optics glowed brightly as he rose all the ways to his peds. You knew what you planned to do now.

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