The meeting: pt1. |Fluff

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Predaking x M!Predacon |Fluff

Started 12/18/2021, Ended 4/25/2024
Word count 583.

You were the newest created predacon, for all you knew you were the only predacon. You weren't sure as most you're life you had memories of were in a tube. You're creator Shockwave didn't tell you much, he didn't tell you much of anything as you couldn't communicate with him and ask questions which ha frustrated you to no end.
Most days he didn't even come to see you in his lab, you weren't sure why either. It's not like he talked out loud to you very often.
So you pateintly waited, sat in your cage; almost like an obedient puppy. You drew on your cage floor with your claws in boredom. Drawing what you could see and make out of the labs area around you, it's not like you knew what outside was like either. You're cage was full of drawings by the next time Shockwave had come back, you got bored of them before getting to the details of them anyways, so it wasn't much. You're talons had become sharp from the constant scrapping and drawing on the metal below.
You heard the door to the lab open, you cocked your helm to get better look at the door from your cage, there stood Shockwave with 3 other predacons. You were shocked, jumping up had caused you to bonk your helm on the cage, staggering backwards as they came into the lab.
"This way Predaking." You heard your creators voice ring out, heavy on audio receptors that had dull silence and scrapping for who knows how long. The predacons with him transform into bipedal forms causing you astonishment. The one called Predaking the biggest of them all. Next to them, you noticed that Shockwave seemed pretty beat up. You studied him, noticing his optic was cracked. You averted yours to look back at the predacons, confused on how they transformed.
Predaking walked over, growling at your creator.
"You've kept him in such a small cage this whole time." He snapped out, Shockwave taking a step away from him as Predaking turned his gaze back upon you as he opened the door.
"Can you transform?" He asked you. You shook your helm causing your horns and fins to scrap against the ceiling of the cage.
"Can you try?" He asked once more, looking at you with patience or was it kindness?
You chuffed and whined at him, trying to tell him that you didn't know how.
"It's okay. Just think of your gears shifting and changing into a new shape, a new form." He encouraged you softly. You looked behind him to see Shockwave trying to escape, not so successfully as the other 2 transformed, snarling in anger and tackling your creator to the floor. You whinned worried for your creator.
"Don't mind him, you shouldn't care for him. Just transform." Predaking said bringing your attention back to him. You chuffed at him before trying. Two more attempts and you were sitting on the floor in your cage look up Predaking in a new form, your body feeling weird, but none the less you were proud of yourself for doing it. Predaking rumbled in approval before extending a servo to help you up and out of the cage.
"My name Predaking, king of predacons, and we are taking you home." He said proudly with a fangy grin looking down at you. You smiled up at him.
"I'm (y/n)."

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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